GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 4.0 credits of English 3.0 credits of Science 3.0 credits of Social Studies which typically include 1.0 credit of World History 1.0 credit of US History 0.5 credit of Economics 0.5 credit of US Government 4.0 credits of Math including Algebra II 0.5 credit of Phys Ed 0.5 credit of Health 1.0 credit of Fine Art
HONORS DIPLOMA 4.0 credits of English 4.0 credits of Science 4.0 credits of Social Studies 4.0 credits of Math including Algebra II 0.5 credit of Phys Ed 0.5 credit of Health 1.0 credit of Fine Art 3 years of a Foreign Language, or 2 years of 2 languages ACT score of 27 or SAT score of 1210 Unweighted GPA of 3.5
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 1 – Teacher Recommendations By January 13th, your classroom teachers will have completed recommendations about which classes you should take next year in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages. For example: AP Lit or CP English 12
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS If you do not agree with the teacher recommendation: Step 1: Have a conversation with your teacher Step 2: Ask for a student-parent-teacher conference Step 3: If you and your parents are not satisfied with the decision made at the student-parent-teacher conference, then complete a “Course Override Request” form, available in Student Services.
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 2 – Online Course Requests Between January 17th at 8:00 AM to January 29th at 2:00 PM, students will have access via PowerSchool to enter course requests after reviewing the Course Planning Guide on the OHS webpage. *Step Sheet Instructions will be posted on Schoology
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 3 – The Scheduling Conference January 30th to February 16th students will meet with their counselor for a brief, individual scheduling conference. Be sure to complete: Online course requests in PowerSchool Paper copy of Schedule Request Sheet
GUIDANCE COUNSELORS Ms. Lauren Wozniak A - De Ms. Whitney Hamilton Df - H Ms. Selena McKnight I - Mo Mrs. Meghan Roberts Mp - Sl Mr. Mike Naveau Sm - Z
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS Scheduling conferences will be held during the school day within the following classes: Freshmen - History Sophomores - Science Juniors - English ALL SCHEDULING CONFERENCES MUST BE COMPLETE BY FEBRUARY 16TH.
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 4 – Course Request Verification After all students have completed their initial course requests, the total course requests will be reviewed to decide which courses can be offered (based on enrollment requests) and to make decisions about hiring staff for the 17-18 school year.
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 4- Course Request Verification By March 6th, students will be notified of any courses that will not be offered because of low enrollment. These students will have an opportunity to select an alternate course at that time.
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS STEP 4 – Course Request Verification Your course requests will be viewable online in PowerSchool by clicking on “Class Registration” 2014-2015 Course Requests:
THE SCHEDULING PROCESS Course Request Changes Any changes to the initial course requests must be received no later than April 13th. Please see your counselor with changes. As a reminder, the sooner a concern is addressed, the more likely that a suitable solution will be available for you. Remember the earlier the better.
COURSES THAT REQUIRE AUDITIONS (Choir, Band, Orchestra) Choose the desired course on your Schedule Request Sheet. Each student will then meet with the appropriate instructor for an audition. Auditions will be held in February and results will be shared with counselors.
COURSES THAT REQUIRE APPLICATIONS (Marketing, Teacher Academy, Mentorship, etc.) Each program has specific requirements. Applications will be available in Student Services and program departments. All applications are due by Friday, February 3rd at 3:00 PM. It is YOUR responsibility to complete the application and return it ON TIME. Because there is always a waiting list for these courses, there will be NO EXCEPTION to the deadline dates. Programs are highly competitive - be prepared with electives.
MENTORSHIP AT OLENTANGY ACADEMY Mentorship Option at Olentangy Academy Students can choose to take mentorship the first three periods or the last three periods of the day. includes travel time Allows for additional hours on site If Olentangy Academy mentorship students are taking CP English 12 they are highly encouraged to take it online. This course will support the mentorship experience and will be taught by an Olentangy Academy Teacher. Open lunch Morning and afternoon option A separate application for Olentangy Academy Mentorship is available in Student Services and online. Applications are due February 3rd.
COLLEGE CREDIT PLUS College Credit Plus courses offer students the opportunity to simultaneously earn high school and college credit Courses may be offered at a variety of local colleges and universities (CSCC, OSU, Otterbein, etc.) *You’re responsible for your own transportation. Credits earned in CCP classes are transferable to any Ohio public college or university. Interested students should visit these college websites for more information
COLLEGE CREDIT PLUS AT CSCC Olentangy will offer CCP classes at Columbus State’s Delaware Campus. To enroll in a CCP course, students must apply to CSCC and meet the college readiness benchmark according to ACT or appropriate placement test for the content area of the course. English (English 1100 and 2367) Calculus I and II (Math 1151 and Math 1152) Astronomy 1141 Anthropology 2200 Psychology 1100 Sociology 1101
CAREER CENTER Second Look Days: Jan. 12th -Feb. 23rd Jan. 26th -March 9th Feb. 9th -March 30th Registration form may be found on Schoology and returned to Student Services 3 days prior. DACC Open House January 19th from 5-7 pm Students interested in attending the DACC need to apply online by Friday, February 3rd.
NOTES Schedule 8 periods, don’t include space for lunch OHSAA requires athletes to pass 5 courses (not including P.E.) Honors Diploma Requirements Alternative courses in rank order MUST BE COMPLETED Priorities and other important information we should know Review the Course Planning Guide 17-18 for prerequisites and requirements on the OHS website Video Course Descriptions available in Schoology Summer Academy: information will be available on the website in March