Using HEA Outcome Analysis to quantify food deficit and estimate the amount of food or cash required to fill the deficit A snapshot
Effect on access to crops HEA Framework: Overview …and then it incorporates the impact of a shock e.g. 50% crop failure ..and finally how people might be able to cope, e.g. 1 HH member migrates for labour Effect on access to crops Final result The baseline picture: an understanding of how households live in a normal year/baseline period…. Baseline + Hazard + Coping =Outcome
HEA Framework Overview: Components In practice this process is broken into six steps + + BASELINE HAZARD COPING = OUTCOME
Outcome Analysis In outcome, the most common objective is to investigate the effects of hazards/intervention (or any changes) on future access to food and income at household level
Intervention Thresholds The Survival Threshold is the total income required to cover: A) 100% of minimum food energy needs (2100 kcals per person per day), B) the costs associated with food preparation and consumption (i.e. salt, soap, kerosene and/or firewood for cooking and basic lighting), any expenditure on water for human consumption It has two components: The staple food basket (A) The minimum non-food basket (or minimum non-staple basket) (B + C) – red in expenditure graph
Example: Survival deficit
Example: Survival and LP deficit
Example: Calculating beneficiaries in need and duration of assistance
Example: Calculating the amount of food or cash required to fill the deficits
Example: Seasonal analysis