Do Now: Ask 5 geographical questions about this photo – use the 5 Ws Who What When Where Why How (bonus mark) Objective: To write a geographical answer to this mystery
What can you spot in these photos?
Why does Greenpeace want Antarctica to become a World Park? L/O: To decide why you think Antarctica is so special Starter: What is Greenpeace? What does becoming a World Park mean?
What is Greenpeace? What does becoming a World Park mean?
L/O: To decide why you think Antarctica is so special L/O: To decide why you think Antarctica is so special
Why does Greenpeace want Antarctica to become a World Park? Use p99 Geog.3 to help Mark key features, e.g: Science research stations Tourist destinations Ice shelf Active volcano Mountain range Antarctic polar front etc………………. Don’t forget to include a title and a key!
What is so amazing about Antarctica? While watching the slide, make notes on Why Greenpeace wants Antarctica to become a World Park.
Why does Greenpeace want Antarctica to become a World Park? Why, do you think Antarctica should be protected? You must decide the main reasons why Antarctica should be protected. Using your clue sheet (2 sides) . . . . TASK: Number the sections in order of importance. Extension: Are there any sections that you think are irrelevant (not important)? If so label them as such
Plenary Write a short letter to Greenpeace explaining why you think Antarctica should be a World Park.