procurement Process 1/20/2016 cl
End User (bookkeeper or secretary has a need to order a good/service. Quote Requisition Requisition Approved Purchase Order Pay Authorization Purchase Order Distributed Goods/Services Received Invoice Payment The Purchase Order is sent to the vendor via email or snails (by the purchasing dept.) unless the end user requests the PO to be returned to them. In that case, the end user is responsible in sending the PO to the vendor to initiate the order. The vendor sends an invoice to the end user once the goods/services are shipped. End User (bookkeeper or secretary has a need to order a good/service. A purchase order is generated by Purchasing once the requisitions are approved. End User enters a requisition request in 3270. End User obtains a quote from a vendor. The requisitions are reviewed and approved by the Purchasing Agent and Buyer. The end user obtains signatures on the pay authorization. The invoice and pay authorization are sent to Accounts Payable department to initiate the payment to the vendor. Once the vendor receives the PO, the order is generated and sent to the address listed on the PO. A pay authorization is generated by purchasing after the Purchase Order is approved.
A purchase order must be approved by the Purchasing Dept A purchase order must be approved by the Purchasing Dept. before an order for goods/services can be initiated. A purchase order is a contract for goods/services. A pay authorization document is to approve that goods/services were received in good condition and to initiate process of payment to the vendor. A pay authorization is for internal use only and should not be sent to the vendor. The pay authorization is not a contract for goods/services. An invoice must be dated after the Purchase Order is generated. Payment for goods/services should not be made prior to receiving the goods/services.