Lab Safety Procedures Mrs. Mondry’s Class
#1 Always listen to the teacher for directions before using equipment.
#2 Alert your teacher immediately of any safety hazard or if someone gets hurt.
#3 Use goggles to protect your eyes.
#4 Handle all lab equipment carefully, especially glassware or sharp objects.
#5 Never eat or drink anything during a lab unless directed to do so by the teacher.
#6 Wafting is the safe and proper way to smell substances during a lab. Follow the directions of your teacher to do this.
#7 Use caution when handling hot items or around open flames.
#8 Handle electrical appliances with care. Never pull a plug from an outlet by the cord. Always make sure the plug is away from water and that no one will trip over the cord.
#9 Always dispose of materials in a safe manner and with concern for the environment.