The Holy Spirit - 2 The Godhead: Part 7
The Holy Spirit in the O.T. First seen in Gen. 1:2: Organizing creation Throughout O.T. the Father is prominent figure of the Godhead, though all were active. Christ was active: 1 Cor. 10:4 Holy Spirit revealed: 2 Pet. 1:19-21
The Holy Spirit in the O.T. By Him dreams were interpreted: Gen. 41:16, 38 Caused men to prophesy: 1 Sam. 10:10 Gave visions: Ezek. 11:24, 25 By Him the prophets spoke: Isa. 61:1
The Holy Spirit and Christ Father was prominent in the O.T., Christ was prominent during His life on earth (Heb. 1:1, 2) The word became flesh: John 1:1-3, 14 He was God with us, but chose to live as a man—even submitted to the physical limitations of man. Though He could have used His power as God, we see that instead He used power of the Holy Spirit, as a man of God would.
The Holy Spirit and Christ John 3:34: “for God does not give the Spirit by measure.” Some, after the establishment church could speak in tongues, or prophecy, or heal. Only apostles could lay hands on others. These had the Spirit in modified degrees. But Christ had the Spirit without measure—anything that was needed the Spirit empowered Him to do (Matt. 17:14-21). The Holy Spirit was His constant companion
The Holy Spirit and Christ The Holy Spirit was a constant companion to Christ (Mat. 12:28. Caused Mary to conceive: Mat 1:20; Luke 1:35 He was at Christ’s baptism: Mat 3:16 He was with Christ in the wilderness: Matt. 4:1 He was with Christ to work in His ministry: Matt. 12;28 Christ fulfilled O.T. prophecies that He would speak by the Holy Spirit: Lk 4:18-21 Just before His ascension He instructed the apostles through the Holy Spirit
The Dispensation of the Holy Spirit Father was prominent in O.T., though all three were working together. Christ was prominent in His earthly life, though all three were working together. Christ would return to the Father, then the Holy Spirit would be prominent, though all three would still be working together: John 16:7
Next Lesson The Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament