STRETCH: Can you include alternative interpretations? Question 4: Evaluation Do now: Write your own paragraph focused on the quote you selected last lesson, evaluating how the writer creates and oppressive and hostile atmosphere. Use the model to help you. STRETCH: Can you include alternative interpretations? Focus this part of your answer on the last two paragraphs Having read this section of the text, one student said: “In the last two paragraphs, Orwell creates the impression that Winston lives in a hostile, oppressive society.” To what extent do you agree? In your response, you could: Write about your own impressions of Winston’s society Evaluate how the writer has created a hostile and oppressive atmosphere Support your opinions with quotations from the text [20 marks]
I agree with the student’s view that Orwell presents a particularly hostile and oppressive atmosphere in the final two paragraphs of the extract as he shows that people are constantly being watched. This is clearly evident when he talks about the ‘police patrol, snooping into people’s windows.’ The alliterative ‘p’ sound reinforces the importance and force of the police, creating a sense of aggression and giving the idea that they are efficient and ruthless at keeping everybody in check. Additionally, Orwell has used the verb ‘snooping’ which suggests that the police are meddlesome and want to invade people’s lives. Orwell effectively creates a hostile atmosphere by making the place seem threatening and unsettling for the reader, suggesting that the police have the right to just do whatever they want and don’t seem to have any concern for the citizens. Peer assess! Respond to the statement with a reason for this paragraph Supporting evidence/quotations Identify language/structural techniques/key words Explain/analyse the effect of the techniques/key words linking to your point Evaluate the effect(s) on the reader. May want to print out for pupils.
“Inside the flat a fruity voice was reading out a list of figures” This lesson we are going to be considering alternative interpretations of the writer’s purpose/effect on reader Focus this part of your answer on the last two paragraphs Having read this section of the text, one student said: “In the last two paragraphs, Orwell creates the impression that Winston lives in a hostile, oppressive society.” To what extent do you agree? In your response, you could: Write about your own impressions of Winston’s society Evaluate how the writer has created a hostile and oppressive atmosphere Support your opinions with quotations from the text [20 marks] “Inside the flat a fruity voice was reading out a list of figures” What would this voice sound like? Does this support or challenge the question? Why has the writer included this detail?
This lesson we are going to be considering alternative interpretations of the writer’s purpose/effect on reader I agree to a large extent that the last two paragraphs create the impression that Winston lives in a hostile and oppressive society, however at the beginning of paragraph two it is apparent that those with the power are presenting themselves as welcoming as opposed to hostile. The ‘fruity voice’ creates the impression that this voice was friendly and almost joyful as the word ‘fruity’ has connotations of colourful and juicy, which is juxtaposed with ‘the oblong metal plaque like a dulled mirror‘ from which the voice is coming out of. This juxtaposition could be argued to emphasise the oppression Winston and others suffer as those inflicting the tyranny are hiding behind a façade of a perfect society, heightening a sense of unease. Improvements: analysing the second quote. How could we improve this paragraph? Write your own statement, including an alternative interpretations: I agree to a large extent that the writer creates the impression that Winton lives in a hostile and oppressive society however I also think the writer…
Now justify your statement by analysing a quote from the text! Write your own statement, including an alternative interpretations: I agree to a large extent that the writer creates the impression that Winton lives in a hostile and oppressive society however I also think the writer… Now justify your statement by analysing a quote from the text!