Promoting multiple benefits from REDD+


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Presentation transcript:

Promoting multiple benefits from REDD+ Muhammad Farid Good afternoon everyone. I’m glad to meet everyone in this room. It is an honour for me to standing in front of you. Today, I would like to share about UNEP component on UNREDD Indonesia programme. The program is about multiple benefit of REDD+ Scheme

Outline REDD+ and co-benefits UN-REDD National Joint Programme Output 2.4 Initial steps The toolkit Examples of spatial analysis by UNEP-WCMC Progress Here is the outline to be shared with you.

REDD+ and co-benefits REDD+ has the potential to deliver significant co-benefits Biodiversity conservation Water regulation, flood prevention Poverty alleviation and etc The amount of such co-benefits will depend on how and where REDD+ is implemented Note: UN-REDD Social and environmental principles and criteria are designed to assist countries to address multiple benefits and apply the Cancun safeguards)

Multiple benefits in the Indonesian UN-REDD National Joint Programme Output 2.4 Toolkit for priority setting towards maximizing potential Carbon-benefits and incorporating co-benefits, such as biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation under MDG Reach agreement in Indonesia on partner agencies, data sources, GIS development and site selection criteria Development and testing of the Priority Setting Toolkit (including short manual) On the prodoc the multiple benefit will be addressed through output 2.4 which is developing the toolkit.

Multiple benefits in the Indonesian UN-REDD National Joint Programme Mapping of below & above-ground carbon, inside and outside the Forest Estate, based on existing data sources and linkages to NCAS/FRIS (a. national reconnaissance level; b. detailed pilot province level) Overlay mapping and analysis co-benefits (minimally: biodiversity, water resources, pockets of poverty, others) for national reconnaissance level and one detailed pilot province level. Training of provincial staff in use of Priority Setting Tool Workshop on how to translate and integrate the results into local spatial planning process, national REDD policy, and decision taking

Initial Steps UN-REDD to meet with representatives of PMU, Division of Forest Planning, Central Sulawesi Forest Service, Central Sulawesi REDD+ Working Group, University of Tadulako, Lore Lindu National Park Office, and other potential partners to explain the aim and works needed on toolkit development. To discuss how to implement Output 2.4 Learn about needs of potential users of the information Arrive at a clear specification of the toolkit To identify possible sources of information To develop a work plan for next steps of how UN REDD can support Output 2.4.

Aim of the toolkit density and threat status of carbon stocks, To provide decision-makers at the various levels with knowledge-based, robust and practical tools for determining advantageous locations (“low-hanging fruits”) for REDD+ activities, taking into account: density and threat status of carbon stocks, potential to produce multiple benefits economic costs and benefits

Possible components of the toolkit • Practical guidance on important considerations when planning REDD+ measures (checklist, decision tree, questionnaire etc.) • Guidance on using the results of mapping as well as other available information (e.g. data and scenarios) to support decision-making • Scorecard-based approaches for evaluating options • More sophisticated approaches for spatial analysis of options for different REDD+ measures and the benefits and trade-offs for carbon, ecosystem services and livelihoods linked to them; supporting materials would explain how to tailor the analysis to local needs and how to interpret the results

Spatial datasets for toolkit • Carbon stocks, deforestation rates, sequestration potential, biodiversity, hydrological services, erosion control Indicators of pressures on forests, e.g. fire, infrastructure, forestry concessions, Current land-use planning, legal requirements and tenure situation Socio-economic considerations, e.g. Opportunity costs, potential income from REDD+ at different levels, population density, poverty distribution

Potential Barriers Getting feedback from local government to choose which component of Co Benefit will be focused on the analysis Data availability and its quality Designing tools to suit the capacities and needs of decision-makers at different levels Taking much time to mainstream REDD+ multiple benefit into national and sub national agenda

Spatial analysis of multiple benefits Spatial analyses and mapping of multiple benefits, carbon stock densities and other parameters can provide key information to support planning and decision-making on REDD+ at national and sub-national scales. Combined with economic parameters such as opportunity costs, spatial analysis would also assist in identifying “low hanging fruits”. The role of spatial planning is important to make more easier in planning the best suitable location for site selection. It should be add any parameter especially opportunity cost 11

Exploring multiple benefits in Cambodia More than 3/4 of the area that is high in carbon and an Important Bird Area is either inside protected areas or in Protection Forests. Lebih dari ¾ area mengandung karbon yang tinggi dan it was identified that Important Bird area is inside protected area and protection forest. There are currently 27 PA and 10 Protection Forest, representing 24% of country total land area. All od protected area stored about 21% (0.62Gt) of carbon stock and 11% (0.33 Gt) is stored within Protection forest. If we cumulated those carbon stock, there are amount 25%. Other spatial analysisdone based on IBA status that stored about 0.6Gt and 64% of carbon stock of Both of Protected Area and protection forest. 12

Exploring multiple benefits in Cambodia 15% of the land that is high in carbon and an Important Bird Area is inside forest concessions. Warna hijau adalah forest concession oleh private and state timber companies for the purposes of sustainable management and harvest of forest product. The forest concession cover about 19% of the total land of cambodia. There are 400 community forest, covering 2% of total land area. Spatial analysis shows that those 400 community forest currently stire about 0.07 Gt of carbon which reprsents approximately 2.4% of cambodia’s total carbon stock, incontrast, forest concession stire 0.73 Gt of carbon or 24% cabodia total carbon stock. 13

Exploring multiple benefits in Cambodia The amount of carbon within 5 kilometer of forest cover loss represents 66% of Cambodia’s total carbon stock. Pressure on Carbon: Beetween 2002 and 2006, cambodia lost approximately 3.735 km2 of forest. Reducing 61% to 59% forest cover. Below MDG target 60% forest cover. Aprroximately 2/3 of cambodja terestrial carbob stock (1,9 Gt or about 66% of total potency carbon within this country) is within 5 km of forest cover loss. 14

Exploring multiple benefits in Cambodia Almost 15 % of the area of Economic Land Concessions hold medium-high to high carbon stocks. Economic Land concession are blocks of land designated by the state and leased to third parties (concessionaries) for the purposes of agri-industrial development. About 160 ELCs covering 17.770 km2 or 10% of total land area. Carbon relustted 0.32Gt representing 10.7% of total carbon. However, 4% of ELC high carbon and 2/3 of the area medium low and low carbon density. 15

Progress Initial steps have been done by PMU in collaboration with UNEP-WCMC Getting support from MoFor and Central Sulawesi Government Collaborative working session is in progress Data Availability and Quality were assessed Toolkit for Indonesia is in progress, needs to be tested with feedback from potential users An initial version of the toolkit will be finished at the end of this year

Thank you for your attention. Terima kasih untuk perhatian Anda Thank you for your attention! Terima kasih untuk perhatian Anda! For more information: