Paper Bella and Kristen
Design The environmental impact cost of making and shipping also the unused side of paper.
Material Acquisition To make paper they have to cut down trees and they harvest the timber. Or use saw mill scraps that are left over from creating lumber . another source of making paper is using recycled fiber.
Material processing The material processing out by de-barking the wood then it is put in a chipper to be reduced to uniformly sized chip type wood then put into the chip storage with chemicals that allow the wood to become into the fibers.
Manufacturing Paper is made first by the trees being cut down the trees that are used are Burch 25%, Maple 65%, and Poplar 10% then the wood is debarked and that takes about 20 minuets then the wood is cut into small wood chip pieces called kindling then the kindling is turned into paste first by washing it in a over for several hours then it is washed then sent to the thickener to check it’s quality then bleached with chlorine dioxide. Then water is drained from the paste in a machine then the paper is put on rolls then it is put onto smaller rolls then will be shipped to paper cutters then it is sent to a warehouse that cuts the paper into normal sized pieces of paper then final the paper is packaged.
Packaging The paper is packaged in two packages the first one is a paper cover and the second on is a card board box and it’s life cycle is first two thick pieces of paper are placed on the out side of a thick ridged piece called a flute. Then it is bent into shape and cold glue is placed on were two sides will meet.
Distribution Paper is distributed by having paper placed in paper covers then placed in cardboard boxes then shipped to stores like STAPLES and then they sell it to consumers like us. The life cycle of a card board box is two thick pieces of paper are placed on the out side of a thick ridged piece called a flute. Then it is bent into shape and cold glue is placed on were two sides will meet.
Use Paper can be used for test, origami, assignments, drawing and much more and make sure you use both sides.
Reuse/Recycling After you have used the paper on both sides for what ever you used it for you should recycle it instead of leaving it on the ground to go into a body of water and hurt the ecosystem and you should not throw it away to have it sit in a landfill.