TScore Trampoline Scoring and Competition Organiser User Guide Part 1 – Recording and Running the Competition (Part 2 will explain how to plan and set up a competition) TScore Training
Instructions for Computer Recorders When you start TScore you will see this screen Make sure the competition details are correct. If not, you may be connected to the wrong data file. Use the “Change” button to choose a different file (check with the organiser for the correct file location) Click the ”Score This Competition” button to move to the Scoring screen TScore Training
The Scoring Screen You can do all of your scoring from this one screen This is the Panel selector. Choose your panel to just list the classes you need to see. Pick ‘All’ to see the classes on all panels The Print button will print or preview the individual and team results for the currently selected class Click Exit to return to the main screen This is the Class selector. Choose the class you need to score. Pick ‘All’ to see the entrants in all classes Click Help for advice The name and club of the current competitor is shown here The Edit Button takes you to the Competitors Editing screen, where you can amend the details of each entrant, add and remove competitors You can also use these buttons to move to the next or previous competitor You can also use these buttons to move to the next or previous competitor Click Undo to reset the scores you have just entered but not yet saved The Autosave switch stops TScore asking you to confirm whether to save the scores you just entered Enter the scores from each judge in these boxes, either using the mouse, tab key, enter key or arrow keys to move to the next judge. If you pick enter in the Tariff box, TScore will move on to the next competitor, asking you to save the current scores first. (You can stop it asking this question by checking the Autosave box.) Click Save to save the changes you have made to the current competitors scores For incomplete routines, enter the number of moves here – IMPORTANT! This affects qualifying. Checking Rank Order will list the current competitors in order of total scores. This is useful if you wish to run the final in ranking order for example. Unchecking this box lists the competitors in bounce order. Note that Rank Order does not take tie-break decisions into account. These are only seen on the printed and exported results. This is the list of competitors for the class you have selected. Simply click on a competitor in this list to enter or edit their scores. If you have unsaved changes, TScore will ask you whether to save them first. TScore Training
Entering Scores As you enter the scores, existing scores are shown in black, new scores are shown in blue and modified scores appear in green. The totals are calculated as you enter each value in accordance with FIG scoring calculations. The tariff may be left blank for the Set round, but not for the Vol or Final. TScore will try to correct common mistakes to understand what you meant You do not need to enter the decimal point, but it won’t object if you do Examples: 67 = 6.7 6.7 = 6.7 .67 = 6.7 67. = 6.7 06 = 0.6 8 = 8.0 .8 = 0.8 10 = 1.0 100 = 10.0 (yeah, right) TScore Training
Prompts and warnings TScore does its best to stop you making mistakes. If the scores look unusual (differing by 1.0 or more, missing judges etc.) you will see a warning like this: If you try to change to another competitor without saving the scores you have entered, TScore will remind you: TScore Training
Printing Results and Lists Just select the class and click ‘Print’ “Preview” will show the results in Excel, from where you can print or save If “Preview” is unchecked, the results will print directly Choose Individual, Team or both sets of results to print You can also print checklists for the current class from here Manual Recording Sheet, Marshall’s Checklist, Chair’s Checklist Check the ‘Final’ box to get checklists in reverse rank order from qualifying You can print personalised certificates using a Word template of your own design TScore Training
Printing the Results TScore Training
Summary of Computer Recorder Functions Select the Panel Select the Class Enter the scores Move to the next competitor Repeat 3 and 4 for each round Pick the Print button Have a cup of tea All of these (apart from 7!) are done from the same screen There is no confusing exiting, selecting etc. If you accidentally hit the Exit or Edit buttons, just click the Score button again to get back to where you should be. TScore Training
Advanced Options TScore also lets you directly edit competitor details, making it simple to correct spelling mistakes and to change classes. Class changes are not permitted once a competitor has a score recorded You are asked to confirm all changes in a very clear manner, which should help to minimise errors. All changes may be recorded in a separate ‘Changes’ file, so they can be printed off and given to the panels TScore Training
Editing Competitor Details If you click on the Edit button, you are taken to the Editing Screen. From here, you can change competitors’ names, clubs and classes. You can also Add, Withdraw, Reinstate and Remove competitors. TScore Training
Using the Edit Details Screen Use the ‘Find Competitors’ dynamic filters (The list will update as you type) Select the competitor to be changed Change their details. Pick the ‘Save Changes’ button TScore Training
Exporting the Results You can export the full set of results to Excel Click ‘Import / Export’ on the main screen TScore Training
Export Results The results are shown in Excel. Use the File -> Save As option TScore Training
Questions? Check the Help screens Check http://tscore.co.uk Email support@tscore.co.uk TScore Training