Team #: Staff Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5 Name 6 Degree Sought (BSEE) BSEE, BSME MSEE etc
Team #: Expertise & Experience Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5 Name 6 Expertise: Digital: PLD/FPGA VHDL Experience: 1 Coop Semester @ XYZ Corp Expertise: Analog: Amplifier, Filter Design Experience: None Expertise: Microprocessors Experience: Firmware for Hobby Applications Expertise: Experience:
Team #: Contact Info Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5 Name 6 Phone 1: Phone 2: Email:
Team #: Weekly Availability Worksheet Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 Name 5 Name 6 Time 1: Time 2: Time 3: Time 4:
Team #: Weekly Project Meeting Plan Weekly Meeting 1: Place, Friday 2-4 PM Owner, Expected Attendees & Purpose: Weekly Meeting 2: Place, Saturday 9-11 AM Weekly Meeting 3: Place, Monday 2-4 PM Weekly Meeting 4: Place, Friday 2-4 PM Expected Attendees & Purpose: Weekly Meeting 5: Place, Friday 2-4 PM Expected Attendees & Purpose Weekly Meeting 6: Place, Friday 2-4 PM Expected Attendees Note: Meeting Owners Send Weekly Email Notices, Record Business-Issues-Actions, Keep Weekly Attendance Records
Team #: Total Resources XX Manhours (make sure you have a realistic number here which takes into account prior commitments incl potential job interviews, travel, etc) $XX or key part availability for material and prototyping Summarize your individual and team commitments to the project !!
Team #: Decision Making Statement of how your team will make decisions within all project guidelines. (ie; concensus, majority vote, etc) If teams cannot make effective decisions according to their agreed upon guideline, they may appeal to their Lab Assistant and upwards to the Prof/Lect The Prof/Lect has the final call on any team decision
Roles to Define & Assign Lead Project Integrator (LPI): Owns the MS Excel Project Plan documents Tracks and reports progress to project plan Owns weekly progress reports to TA Owns Logistics and communication of ALL team meetings Keeps Team Attendance at all meetings Owns the Block Diagram Assignments and oversees Design Partitioning Integrates Block design plans Tracks expenditures to budget Helps LMM procure prototype components Keeps a secondary backup of ALL major project deliverable files Identifies contingencies for problems incl team members MIA
Roles to Define & Assign Lead System Designer (LSD): Owns the overall product requirements and data sheet Owns the MS Excel Product Requirements document including negotiating and documenting the flowdown of requirements to design block level Owns the Block Diagram Implementation and Design Partitioning Reviews for Completeness ALL Block-Block Interface Requirements Helps integrate and populate Detailed Block design plans including DFM Has primary responsibility for the Safety & Compliance Features in the product Owns project level verification and validation plan Owns capture and documentation of all verification results Owns the MS Word Product User Manual document
Roles to Define & Assign Lead Presentation Manager (LPM): Owns the master MS PPT Presentation slide set for team Keeps backup copy of master slide set and integrates weekly progress submissions from ALL team members Defines and sets ALL slide formats in template form including Logos Font sizes & font styles, Colors Header/footers Slide backgrounds Rev controls Responsible for good visibility of slide presentation Integrates pictures incl schematics, digital photos, animations and other non-PPT file types Checks presentation content against master checklist and communicates gaps Responsible for time allocations and controls during final presentation Submits CD and paper copies for all Preliminary Presentations P1-P4 and Final Presentation
Roles to Define & Assign Lead Report Manager (LPM): Owns the master MS Word Project Report file for team Keeps backup copy of master report and integrates weekly progress submissions from ALL team members Defines within guidelines, report flow including chapter numbering, subchapter numbering, sub-sub chapter numbering, etc. Defines and sets ALL report formats in template form including Logos Font sizes & font styles Colors Header/footers and chaptering Rev controls Responsible for good visibility and proper spelling in report Responsible for integrating data sheets as needed Integrates pictures incl schematics, digital photos, block diagrams and other non-WORD file types Checks report content against master checklist and communicates gaps Submits final file on CD and printed paper copy of Final Project Report
Roles to Define & Assign Lead Manufacturing Mgr (LMM): Owns and documents the product overall assembly and test levels Owns master prototype & product parts lists including integration of design block parts lists Owns procurement of prototype components including identification of long lead components Defines the product and prototyping technologies Owns any required assembly drawings Owns the overall prototype mechanical and electrical assembly Owns the overall PCB layout strategy including Block to PCB mapping, PCB tools, PCB design drawings, and PCB procurement Owns the PCB assembly including any special tools, soldering, wire-wrapping, drilling, and glueing.
3 Project Ideas: Min 1 Page Each Simple Description and Block Diagram. Try to have a minimum number of blocks to equal the total team staff Describe the key performances that differentiate and generate desire to purchase this product Describe the power source(s), user interfaces, and modes of operation Describe why the project is a good fit for your team