Figure S2 A B Log2 Fold Change (+/- cAMP) Transcriptome (9hr) Proteome (8hr) R2 = 0.13 R2 = 0.43 Log2 Fold Change (+/- cAMP) Transcriptome (9hr) Proteome (8hr) Log2 Fold Change (+/- cAMP) Figure S2. Comparison of the cAMP responsive 8hr proteome and 9hr transcriptome. Log2 Fold Changes of the cAMP responsive 8hr proteome and 9hr transcriptome (from Oh et al., 2008) were plotted and a linear regression analysis performed in JMP® 10.0.0 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) for 1668 genes for which both transcript and protein data were available. A subset of proteins differentially expressed at 8 hour were analyzed as in A. Correlation of differentially expressed proteins and the corresponding transcripts improves relative to the entire dataset.