Informational internet-resourse of IT-business Informational internet-resourse of IT-business
The main features of resourse The content of the resourse is made up of unique news and reviews, created by the own reporters and translators. DailyComm is the source of all publications. Target audience - management of IT companies, representatives of various levels of resellers The versatility of the resourse allows to create professional business communications in the Russian IT market
The aims of the resourse Provision of professional market participants with the necessary information: current news analysis, expert opinions, etc. Providing feedback in the form of comments to the news, direct application to the company Provision of information space to publish their own news, promoprograms, timely information to partners. Assistance in finding new partners and keeping connection with the existing - creation of IT business communication
Figures audience of the resourse Users Month – 75 000 - 80 000 users; Week – 19 500 - 20 000 users; 24 hours – 2800 – 3 000 users. Views Month – 300 000 - 360 000 views; Week – 75 000 – 80 000 views;
Segmentation of the audience by the profile of the company
Segmentation of the audience by sex and age 62% users – male 38% users – female
Services for the registered users Placing information in the directory of companies Publication of operational communications business topics in a special section of the portal Publication of marketing programs in the section «Promoprograms» Participation in the special projects of the portal
Advertising opportunities Banner placement through all the pages, banners in the case, product sections and on the main page PR-support: placement of news, interviews, marketing programs Announcements, support and outcome of events Sponsorship of thematic and product sections Participation in joint activities Sponsorship of projects and promotion of project resource Text modules on the portal and in mailings
Banner placement and positions 468*80 pxl (stretches down up to 240 pxl after bringing cursor) Banner B1 468*60 pxl Long-Stretching 100%*70 pxl “Banner-bookmark” 100*200 pxl Banner С1 200*200 pxl Banner А1 240*400 pxl
Original “banner-bookmark” “Banner-bookmark” in the “closed” form 100*200 pxl Banner-bookmark” in the “open” form 950*200 pxl Unique banner in RUnet!
Sponsorship of thematic and products sections Banner B1 (displayed through all the pages) Logo on the main page side-to-side name of the section Sponsors banner 468*60 pxl Banner B1 (displayed through all the pages)
Sponsorship and participation in special projets General sponsors profile General sponsors banner 468*80 pxl Sponsors banner 200*350 pxl Sponsors logotypes
Special-created section for the customer filled with its own news Nonstandart solutions of marketing aims Special-created section for the customer filled with its own news Participation in joint activities Different polls and marketing research Nonstandart sizes of banners Banner-bookmark as an instrument of brand promotion Create special section on
E-mail: Tel office: (812) 575 55 35 We are always open for cooperation and will be happy to answer all your questions. You can contact us in any way convenient for you: E-mail: Tel office: (812) 575 55 35 Best regards, Account Director portal DailyComm Ulyashenko Dmitry