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Presentation transcript:



GERMANY German school system Children aged three to six, may attend kindergarten. After that, school is compulsory for nine or ten years. From grades 1 through 4 (sometimes through 6 - it depends where you live) children attend elementary school (Grundschule), where the subjects taught are the same for all. Then, after the 4th (or 6th) grade, they are separated according to their academic ability and the wishes of their families, and attend one of three different kinds of schools: Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium. Grundschule teachers recommend their students to a particular school based on such things as academic achievement, self-confidence and ability to work independently. However, in most states, parents have the final say as to which school their child attends following the fourth grade.

GERMANY Hauptschule The Hauptschule (grades 5-9) teaches the same subjects as the Realschule and Gymnasium, but at a slower pace and with some vocational-oriented courses. It can lead to part-time enrollment in a vocational school combined with apprenticeship training until the age of 18. Realschule The Realschule (grades 5-10 in most states) leads to part-time vocational schools and higher vocational schools. It is now possible for students with high academic achievement at the Realschule to switch to a Gymnasium on graduation. Sekundarschule Since two years some states founded the Sekundarschule, in which the students of the Hauptschule and the Realschule are educated together.

GERMANY Gymnasium The Gymnasium leads to a diploma called the Abitur and prepares students for university study or for a dual academic and vocational credential. The most common education tracks offered by the standard Gymnasium are classical language, modern language, and mathematics and natural science. In recent years many States have changed the curriculum so students can get the "Abi" at the end of the 12th grade. Other States are making the transition but may still require a 13th grade. Gesamtschule The Gesamtschule, or comprehensive school, is only found in some of the states. It takes the place of both the Hauptschule and Realschule. It enrolls students of all ability levels in the 5th through the 10th grades. Students who satisfactorily complete the Gesamtschule through the 9th grade receive theHauptschule certificate, while those who satisfactorily complete schooling through the 10th grade receive the Realschule certificate.

GERMANY No matter what kind of school a student attends, he/she must complete at least nine years of education. A student dropping out of a Gymnasium, for example, must enroll in a Realschule or Hauptschule until nine years have been completed. Students are required to study at minimum one foreign language for at least five years. A second foreign language is required in Gymnasium. The most popular foreign languages are French and Latin. The students start English half a year after they come to school, so with the age of 6. But in primary school, especially in the first two grades, English is taught in a very playful way, with songs and games.

GERMANY The School Day German students at public schools attend school in the morning. Classes normally start between 7:30 and 8:15 a.m. and can end between 12 noon and 1:30 p.m. Class periods are normally 45 minutes long with a short break in between. There is no provision for serving lunch. But the last years more and more students are able to attend work and live in full-day school. After the German Federal Elections in 2002 the German Government set gave financial support to enable the states to introduce full-day schools. Right now there are already many Ganztagsschulen, where the students can stay until 4p.m. or even longer. There can be a lot of homework and heavy emphasis on the "three Rs" - reading, writing and aRithmatic. The curriculum expands as students move up from Grundschule and depends on which of the three secondary schools they attend.

GERMANY The School Year The school year consists of two semesters and normally starts around the middle to end of August. There are longer breaks at Christmas and in the summer. Shorter breaks are around Easter and in autumn. There is no school on public holidays. The Christmas break is usually 2 weeks and the summer break is about 6 weeks. The exact dates of the various vacations and breaks are set by the individual states.



Greece THE GREEK SCHOOL SYSTEM    Age: Compulsory school is from 5 up to 16 years old Pre-school is for the kids who are 5 years old and sometimes when there is room for more can participate few kids from the age of 4. Primary school is for the kids from 6 up to 12 years old (6 years)

Greece Secondary school we have two kinds: Gymnasium from 13 up to 16 years old (3 years) which is compulsory Lykio  from 16 up to 18 years old, which is optional Foreign Languages studied in primary school is English for all classes (two hours per week for the first and second grade and 4 hours per week for the other grades) French or German for two hours per week only for the fifth and sixth grade  

Greece Timetable (Day School) every day school starts at 08:10 and finishes at 14:00 (normal program) some pupils continues up to 16:30 for the (All-day program) School year:   School year starts for teachers in September 1, for pupils September 11 and  finishes for pupils in June 15 and for teachers June 21  


ITALY The Italian school system There are almost 70 thousand schools in all levels of education, of which 15% are private institutions. Primary education is run by the cities, secondary by the regions and the universities by state. Education is compulsory from 6 up to the age of 16. At the age of 15, there is a possibility to choose an alternation school-work. It's free of charge (only tuition). There are two nationwide exams – one at the end of lower secondary school (age 14) the other one at the end of upper secondary school - Maturità (age 19). Home schooling is not allowed before the age of 16 (for the compulsory education).

ITALY Disabled students Total inclusion. Disabled students or students requesting assistance are included in regular schools. In primary schools, "their" classes cannot have more then 20 students. during secondary schools a tutor (supporting teacher) must be provided for them. In the meantime also all the school premises are changed in order to facilitate all students. There is a ministerial act (Legge Quadro sull'handicap n.104 del 5 Febbraio 1992) concerning this issue.

ITALY Kindergarden is from 3 to 6 years, it is not compulsory Children have to be 3 years old to attend but it is not compulsory.  "full-time" with 40 hours/week. (the schools are open form Monday to Friday) Primary/Elementary school is from 6 to 11, it is compulsory: The school itself is divided in 1+2+2 year cycles, when the first is a base year. There can be from 10 to 25 students in class, if disabled student is present, not more then 20 are allowed. There are two types of curricula – "modulus" with 27-30 hours/week (the schools can be open from Monday to Saturday or from Monday to Friday with one afternoon lesson)

ITALY Subjects are the same for all schools: Italian Maths English (from 6) History Geography Science Physical Education Art Music ICT Religion (optional)

ITALY Lower secondary education (scuola secondaria di primo grado) is from 11 to 14, it is compulsory : Subjects are the same for all schools: Italian Maths English Second language: French, Spanish, German (10-11 years) History Geography Science Physical Education Art Music ICT Religion (optional

ITALY Upper secondary education (scuola secondaria di second grado)is from 14-16 compulsory, from the age of 16 students can decide to work and stop studying from 16-19 it is not compulsory. In the high schools subjects changes. They depend on the different courses: 1. High Schools - Licei From 14 to 19 – Exam Students go to University LICEO IS a high school whose objective is to prepare the students to go to universities, the students have to study for five years and then they have to go to university, after University they can find a work LICEO is divided into two cycles “Gymnasium two years” and “Liceo 3 years” There are six types of “Licei”: the first two years are the same and they are Gymnasium and the disciplines are the same, in the last three years they change There are several types of high schools, called LICEI - classic liceo (where students learn greek and latin), - scientific liceo, - fine arts liceo, - foreign languagesliceo. - economic liceo, - technological institute, - musical liceo, - human sciences liceo, - psychopedagogic liceo

ITALY 2. Technical institutes From 14 to 19 – Exam Students can choose between working or going to University Technical school is a type of school that directs the student to the study and practice of the technique applied. The school is divided in two cycles: first cycle common (it is two years 9th -10Th grade) and introduce to the second cycle for specialization in which the students will choose among different subjects (It is 3 years 11th-13th grade) The Italian technical institutes are divided into two main branches, these two branches are divided into different specializations: 1. Technical institute for economics: It is possible to choose among: economic sector, tourism sector and commercial and administrative law. 2. Technical institute technology: industry: mechanics, electronics, electrical engineering, computer science, thermodynamics, chemistry and materials healthcare biotechnology, environmental biotechnology, agro-industry and agribusiness, nautical and aeronautical industries, agriculture and surveyors

ITALY 3. Vocational school From 14 to 19 –(9th -13th grade) Exam Students can choose between working or going to University. If they stop at the 11th grade (16 yaers) they can work, if they choose to study other two years it is possible to go to university.

ITALY The School Year The school year starts from the middle of September to the first week of June (the school has to be opened 200 -205 days). The beginning and the end of Easter and Christmas holiday are decided by the school superintendence office of each regions (in some regions it’s possible that schools are closed for Carnival, in that case the schools have less holidays for Christmas and Easter) In Summer schools are closed: 3 weeks in June, 4 weeks in July and August and 10-12 days in September. 1st January New year’s day 6th January Epiphany Easter Easter Monday 25thApril Liberation Day 1st May Labour Day 11th May Patron Saint (in Piegaro) 2nd June Anniversary of Republic 1st November All Saints’ Day 8th December Immaculate Eve 24th December Christmas Eve 25th December Christmas Day 26th December St Stephen Day 31st December New Year’s Eve


6 – 16 years = Compulsory education SPANISH EDUCATIVE SYSTEM 0 – 6 years = Non compulsory education 6 – 16 years = Compulsory education PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION 0 – 3 years = It is considered as the First Cycle of Pre-School Education. Children can attend a private kindergarten. 3 – 6 years = The Second Cycle of Pre-School Education. It is included in State Schools and it is free.

SPAIN COMPULSORY EDUCATION 6-12 years = Primary Education. Given in Schools. It is divided in three cycles: - First Cycle = first and second level - Second Cycle = third and fourth levels - Third Cycle = fifth and sixth levels 12 – 16 years = Secondary Education. Given in High-Schools. It is also divided in two cycles: - First Cycle = first and second levels (12-14 years) - Second Cycle = third and fourth levels (14-16 years) HIGHER EDUCATION STUDIES From 16 years on students can follow different studies: Bachillerato (two courses) Technical Studies (two courses) University (four courses)

SPAIN SUBJECTS In Primary Education children study the following subjects: o Spanish Language o Maths o English o Science and Geography o Physical Education o Artistic Education (Art and Music) o French (from the fifth level on) o Religion (optional)

SPAIN TIMETABLE From Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 14 p.m. There is a half an hour break at 11 a.m. English is studied from 3 years on. There are two English lessons until students are seven years old and three English lessons from eight to twelve years.


The Slovenian education system 1-6 years – non compulsory education 6-15 years- compulsory education

SLOVENIA Pre-school education (predšolska vzgoja) It is optional, and encompasses the centre-based child care and early general pre- school education. Public kindergartens are founded and financed by municipalities.   Compulsory basic education (osnovna šola) 6-15 years: The nine-year basic education is divided into 3 three-year cycles: First cycle: first, second, third grade Second cycle: fourth, fifth, sixth grade Third cycle: seventh, eighth, ninth grade

Slovenia SUBJECTS: Maths Slovene Music Art Sport Craft Science English Home Economics History Geography Biology Chemistry Physics Civics

SLOVENIA Language studied in primary school   Language studied in primary school In Slovenia, children start learning English in the 4th grade, two lessons a week. In the 5th, 6th and 7th grade, we have 4 lessons a week and in 8th and 9th grade, three lessons a week. Students can take the second language in the 7th, 8th or 9th grade (usually German or French).

SLOVENIA Upper secondary education (srednješolsko izobraževanje) takes 2 to 5 years. Educational programmes include vocational professional gimnazija (general) programmes Vocational and technical programmes prepare students predominantly for labour. General secondary programmes prepare students predominantly for further studies.

SLOVENIA TIMETABLE From Monday to Friday. In Slovenia, lessons must not start before 7.30. The first cycle usually has 4 or 5 lessons a day, the second and third cycle has 5, 6 or 7 lessons a day. There is a break for breakfast after the first or second lesson, and a break for lunch.

slovenia School year starts on 1st September and ends on 24th June. HOLIDAYS: Autumn holidays (usually one week- around 1st November) New Year holidays Winter holidays (one week) Spring holidays- 1st May holidays (from 27th April to 2nd May) Summer holidays (from 24th June to 31st August)