British Dietetic Association Amanda Squire PhD BSc(Hons) RD
What is a Dietitian? Qualifications requirements- usually A levels in Chemistry, biology Undergraduate degree 4- 3 years with substantial hospital based training Post graduate degree following a high class degree in a science based subject Mature students are seen as advantageous because of life skills
What do Dietitians Do?
Scope of Dietitians Dietitians work in the NHS, private practice, industry, education, research, sport, media, public relations, publishing, Non-Government Organisations and government. Their advice influences food and health policy across the spectrum from government, local communities and individuals
“The idea lying behind this design is the Cornucopia represents plenty, the Ibex balanced thereon represents a state of balance … Apart from the posture in the design, of course, the Ibex itself suggests abounding health and energy, and a clear-eyed balanced outlook on life.”
History of BDA The British Dietetic Association, established in 1936, is the professional association and trade union for dietitians. Its aims are to: advance the science and practice of dietetics and associated subjects; promote training and education in the science and practice of dietetics and associated subjects; regulate the relations between dietitians and their employer through the BDA Trade Union.
Patron In 1983 Her Majesty the Queen honoured the Association by graciously accepting an invitation to grant her patronage to the British Dietetic Association.
Aim of BDA The Association aims to: inform, protect, represent, and support its 7000+ members. Most are qualified dietitians, holding a degree or postgraduate diploma recognised for registration by the Health and Care Professions Council. 88% of registered Dietitians are members of the BDA
Public Information BDA does produce a range of information sheets for the general public. Recent high- profile diet and health campaigns
Weight Wise Weight Wise Run over a number of years and in collaboration with a range of organisations Adult, teenage and child specific resources Change 4 Life
Mind the Hunger Gap Mind the Hunger Gap launched 2012 Malnutrition in hospital and the community Patients Association, carers UK and RCGP Highlights the role of the Dietitian in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malnutrition
SENr The Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register Launched December 2011 Voluntary competency- based register of sport and exercise nutritionists
The BDA in Wales The BDA has a Wales Constituency Council Member (WCCM) and a Deputy Wales Constituency Council Member The WCCM sits on BDA Council and as such is the conduit between the membership in Wales and the BDA centrally. (Chris Cashin) Caroline Bovey.
Bwrdd Cymru BDA Bwrdd Cymru BDA is chaired by the Wales Constituency Council Member. Bwrdd Cymru BDA represents nationally the interests of the profession and members to key stakeholders in Wales such as the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) and other agencies and consists of key representatives of the profession. The board consists of 11 members: The CCM, Deputy CCM, 2x Education and Learning Representatives; 2x PR representatives; a Strategy Development rep; TU rep; Member without portfolio and observer roles for a student rep and a dietetic support worker rep.
Bwrdd Cymru BDA Bwrdd Cymru BDA is supported by Nicola Morris, Policy Officer Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales who can be contacted on:, 0121 200 8024, 5th Floor Charles House, 148-149 Great Charles Street Queensway, Birmingham, B3 3HT
Policy Development Bwrdd Cymru BDA is involved in a range of activity including: Meeting with the Minister for Health, Welsh Assembly to discuss a number of items to include most recently: Malnutrition, medicines management, diabetes Meeting with the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales to discuss the key role that dietitians have to play in the delivery of health and social care services for older people
New initiatives The board has joined the Welsh Re-ablement Alliance, an umbrella organisation for professional associations, voluntary sector partners and care providers who provide re-ablement services in Wales Along with the Health and Social Care Policy Officers in Wales will be running a Political Leadership Training Day next May
Practice and Innovation Hosted two Practice and Innovation Events to showcase the fantastic innovations led by dietitians within Wales and the contribution that the profession is making to the delivery of health and social care and the quality of life of the people of Wales A third event is planned in Cardiff in September 2013