The meeting will take place in the media center on Monday, May 15th. Attention Juniors There will be a meeting for any current Junior interested in learning more about next year's senior trip to Universal Studios in Orlando, FL. The meeting will take place in the media center on Monday, May 15th.
Send your senior video pictures and videos to Attention Seniors Send your senior video pictures and videos to Deadline is May 16th!!
Chess Club The last meeting for Chess Club will be in room 407 on Thursday, May 18th. There will be chess puzzles and games like the last meeting on May 4th.
Signups for performers will be at lunch. Coffee House Coffee house is May 19th from 7-10 in the Senior Courtyard. Tickets are 5 dollars. Signups for performers will be at lunch.
FCA/YCI Come out and join our Bible club, FCA/YCI, that meets every Wednesday morning at 6:30am in the Main Gym. All are welcome!
JROTC All fall and spring cadets may go to the base visit and air show at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base on May 20th. The Blue Angels demonstration team will be performing. Sign up in JROTC by May 15th.
Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza Lunch Menu Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza Chicken Waffles & eggs Tator tots Applesauce cups Steamed Broccoli Florida Citrus Baked Potato Bar
Senior Shout Out Congratulations Danny Kiser for being awarded the Fieldcrest Cannon Foundation Scholarship.
Spanish National Honors Society We will have closing Awards ceremony of Multicultural Club and Spanish National Honors Society on May 19th 3-5pm. Everyone is invited to this event in the cafeteria. Bring a food item and a friend.
Student Council Blood Drive Sign-ups at lunch Through May 16th. Teachers can donate blood as well. You need to be 16 to donate with parental consent.
Student Council Jeans Drive Please bring in pairs of jeans and drop them off in guidance. This drive will go to benefit students here at JMRHS.
Thespian Society The final meeting of the International Thespian Society (that's our school's drama club) will be today at 2:15pm. We will celebrate our seniors and discuss plans for next year. Any inducted members and interested members should plan to attend.
Throwback Thursday Send your throwback pictures to or bring them to room 912 to have them appear on our announcements.
Tri-M Music The final meeting of Tri-M Honor Society will be on Wednesday, May 17th. We will be giving awards and inducting our new officers. The meeting should be over by 2:50.