Sherwood Drive Wolfville January 2008
Wolfville Highlighting Sherwood Avenue
Sherwood from Main Street top left: Main Street looking west towards Sherwood junction Bottom left: Main Street-Sherwood Intersection looking west Bottom right: Sherwood looking south from Main St.
North end of Sherwood Left: Sherwood looking south & uphill Bottom Left: Seniors complex driveway Bottom Right: Sherwood junction with Dale
The Woodland Drive Intersection Left: Going south toward Woodland Drive Right: Looking north and downhill toward the Woodland Intersection.
Mid Sherwood Right: eastside with no sidewalk; note rear exit from driveway Bottom left: Recent removal of overhanging plantings and new retainer wall construction Bottom right: Likely need for heavy pruning of plantings on east side
The Sherwood Plateau Below: boundary marker – likely encroachment of fencing Above: Sherwood Plateau looking north
Sherwood Ravine Trail Intersection Millennium Trail Crossing Sherwood
Alline Junction Bottom Left: approaching Alline Top Left: Alline junction Bottom Right: Run off across the road Middle right: Drainage from Driveway Top right: Drainage from driveway
Kencrest Avenue Junction Top right: Looking south towards Kencrest Bottom right: Approaching Kencrest walking south uphill Middle: looking north and downhill from Kencrest Bottom left: south of Kencrest looking downhill and north Top left: walking south at Kencrest
The Bend leading to Pleasant Street Note the problematic parking from a home based business