Unraveling the Mystery of the Full-Time Faculty Job Application Process Presenters: Mary Gutierrez, Dean of Language Arts & Learning Resources Ray Hernandez, Dean of Science, Math, & Technology Nina L. Floro, Professor of English / Professional Development Coordinator
This workshop will cover the following areas: The Job Announcement Familiarity with the Institution The Screening Process The Diversity Statement Final Touches
The Job Announcement What should I focus on? Duties & Responsibilities Requirements/Minimum Qualifications Desirable Skills & Abilities What critical pieces should I pull out of the job announcement? Key words and phrases
Understand & Familiarize Yourself with the Institution Research the college to which you are applying Website, publications, people, resources, etc. Demographics Programs Connect your professional and personal assets and experiences to the courses, programs, initiatives, etc. at the college Identify how work you’ve done at other places is relevant to the job and the college
Understand the Screening Process Connect the components of the application process: Job announcement & your experience Your experience & the application materials Application materials & the job screening/rating form Connect your assets and experience to the courses, programs, initiatives, etc. at the college Connect work you’ve done outside of the classroom to the college and the position
ESOL example From the desirables—“ability to use teaching methods that emphasize cooperation and collaboration and engage students actively” From the letter of application:
ESOL cont’d Understand the culture of the institution Make your application specific to the institution Convey your voice and individuality Example from the letter of application:
ESOL cont’d Use every element of the application to your benefit Seek solid letters of recommendation Include more than one page, if needed, for your letter Frame your experience in a manner that fits the job Highlight what you think makes you stand out Example from the resume—
ESOL cont’d It is a lot of work, but… Use the job application fully Provide detail on all relevant job experience Provide detail even on many years-old work For example, 4-5 job duties per job in 2006 Designed and taught Business English to executives at international company Coordinated and directed EFL curricula for Universidad de San Juan Taught vocational ESL for staff in Hotel Mission San Gil, developed hotel curricula Mentored EFL staff, observed classes, reviewed lesson plans Led teacher development workshops
The Diversity Statement Understand the relevance/importance of the diversity statement Recognize diversity / educational philosophy Check for a diversity statement: http://www.skylinecollege.edu/seeed/index.php Research the philosophy of the college and how it frames diversity
The Diversity Statement A Diverse Community In our community, respect and trust are common virtues, and all people are enriched by diversity and multicultural understanding. We will maintain a supportive, positive, and productive working environment for our diverse faculty and staff, as well as a responsive environment in which student needs are met in a friendly, timely, and caring manner.
The Diversity Statement Demonstrate your understanding of the institution’s demographics Population served http://www.skylinecollege.edu/aboutskyline/assets/documents/fact sheet2014.pdf Programs and services serving population and community Visit campus to experience culture and see it first hand Align your philosophy with the college vision, mission, and goals
The Diversity Statement Connect work you’ve done in and out of the classroom to the diversity of the college Example: “I was raised in a culturally and linguistically complex environment. I was born in Chile of German parents, and my first language was German, but I grew up in a Chicano neighborhood in Hayward, CA. I have always been around a mixture of native and non-native speakers of English. In college, I was an exchange student in Costa Rica and lived there for 9 months. My Spanish skills improved so much that I was hired as a bilingual receptionist for Women's Crisis Support (a battered women's shelter) in Santa Cruz in 1989. Running peer group supplemental instruction sessions at City College helped sensitize me to both the opportunities and the institutional barriers to ethnic minorities advancing in the sciences, especially in chemistry. Most recently at UCSF, most of my students spoke a language other than English with their mothers. I noticed that many of my students experienced conflict between their cultural upbringing and being a college student. In response, we took time out of class to provide a venue for the students to voice their concerns about these important issues.”
The Diversity Statement Connect work you’ve done in and out of the classroom to the diversity of the college. Examples: “I actively look for what gets in the way of communication between me and my students. Because I am interested in student success, I cultivate my awareness of cultural differences that affect student learning. This can take the form of reading up on other cultures or in the form of inviting students to share alternative points of view. It also takes the form of attending lectures and discussion groups on diversity in academic environments.” “I work daily to give students from diverse backgrounds the skills to succeed in college. I have a strong record in community service and I have won awards for my efforts to open doors to disadvantaged minority students.”
The Final Touches Content editing Proofreading and corrections
Questions/Comments Thank you for attending this workshop. Good luck with your FT job search.