Entrance Ticket: Look at the two tasks in your handout Entrance Ticket: Look at the two tasks in your handout. Compare and Contrast what students are expected to do in order to respond to the task. On your own-Write at least four lines describing what you feel students need to do in order to respond to each of the examples in front of you. When finished talk to the others in your group about your thoughts.
Document Based Questioning PA Core Standards requires students to draw evidence from literary and informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research Anchors From PA Common Core: ELA Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences, conclusions, and/or generalizations drawn from the text. Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. Science Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions. Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text’s explanation or depiction of a complex process, phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the text. Social Studies: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.
What is Document Based Questioning? These questions require students to provide evidence from the text and to draw inferences based on what the text says in order to support an analysis.
Examples of DBQ The author of “The Raft” uses literary elements to express Dewey’s character in the “Raft”. Write an essay analyzing how Dewey’s character traits are revealed throughout the story. Include evidence from the passage to support your response. “The Gettysburg Address” mentions the year 1776. According to Lincoln’s speech, why is this year significant to the events described in the speech? Use evidence to from the speech to support your response You have learned about electricity by reading three articles, “Energy Story,” “Short Circuit,” and “Conducting Solutions.” Analyze how each supports the idea that copper is a better conductor of electricity than iron. Include evidence from each article to support your response. The two speeches present different viewpoints. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each speech. Provide specific examples from each speech that support your position.
Close Reading The process of reading, observing, and interpreting a text deeply. Involves multiple readings of the same text through different lenses Usually only a short passage is under consideration Repeated readings builds students’ understandings of the key takeaways in the text.
Close Reading-Preparing Students to Attack a DBQ Multiple readings of the text are required The first reading should always focus on getting an overall impression of the text. The reader should just “get the gist of the text” With each following reading, the students should be focusing on a specific purpose. The teacher should provide a focus on a specific aspect for each reading. Each reading the students should be marking the text with what stands out for them
“The Surrender” Example using a painting to model thinking for a Close Read Look at the painting and decide what stands out for you about it.
“The Surrender” Example Share with a partner your thoughts Now look at the painting a second time and try to find three things you didn’t notice the first time.
“The Surrender” Example Share with a partner what three things you noticed the second time and not the first. Now look at the painting again and decide what message you think the author is trying to portray in the painting. Be prepared to give evidence from the painting to support your answer.
“The Surrender” Example With this example the students looked at a painting three times The first to get their brain to begin to get an overall picture The second was to look at the painting differently than the first time The third was to focus their thinking to what you wanted them to truly analyze. The multiple reading force the students to focus on important things the teacher wants them to analyze, and models the type of thinking needed to analyze.
“What is Love” example using a poem The following slides show a close read utilizing a complex text, a poem”
On your paper write at least 4 lines on what YOU think love is. What is Love? On your paper write at least 4 lines on what YOU think love is.
Read CXVI Talk to your partner your opinion of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116
Read CXVI a second time Find and underline at least five words or phrases that focuses on some aspect love in CVXI Then compare them with your partner
Read CXVI a Third Time What theme or message do you think Shakespeare is trying to convey to the reader about love? Put a star by at least 3 words or phrases that support your opinion on the theme of love in CVXI Share with your partner
Practice:Constructing a Task that Requires Text Dependent Analysis ‘Speech to the Troops at Tilbury’ by Queen Elizabeth Approaching the Design of Text-Dependent Analysis Questions Step 1-Read and Annotate the text Look for the 4 layers-”Questions to Consider” handout Step 2-Identify the essential understanding and key supporting details from the text Step 3- Locate and identify academic vocabulary and key text structures that are connected to the essential understandings and key ideas Step 4- Propose a culminating text-dependent analysis question Step 5 Identify the expected proficient-level response Step 6 Identify the standards associated with the text-dependent analysis question
“Speech to the Troops at Tilbury” by Queen Elizabeth Jigsaw activity- Taking apart a text or task and giving students individual parts of a text or different tasks focusing on a text Each person will read “Speech to the Troops at Tilbury” Speech to the Troops at Tilbury Each person will take one of the 4 layers on the Questions to Consider handout Highlight key details from the text that support your layer Discuss your thoughts with the rest of the group
Exit Slip Give one thing that stood out as important Give one thing that you might wonder about Give one question you may still have how to use this in your classroom