Danube 2025 European tourism association Linda Haydon, ETOA 20th October 2017
International Travel Trade More than 200 ‘operators’ with clients from all over The world 600+ ‘suppliers’ of tourism product including hotels, attractions, tourist boards…
International Travel Trade Scheduled cruises have fixed departure dates
International Travel Trade Cruises tend to be scheduled although one-offs do exist
International Travel Trade F.I.T - It’s all about self-packaging…isn’t it?
International Travel Trade F.I.T - There’s more on offer than just flights
International Travel Trade Ground handlers often deliver many or all of the ingredients to make a tour or a portion of a tour
International Travel Trade Major international wholesalers have a large inventory
LONG HAUL MARKETS TO EUROPE New Emerging Markets LONG HAUL MARKETS TO EUROPE Source: United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)
LARGEST FUTURE SOURCES OF LONG HAUL MARKET GROWTH New Emerging Markets LARGEST FUTURE SOURCES OF LONG HAUL MARKET GROWTH Historical rank 2010-15 Forecast rank 2015-20 United States 1 China 2 Russia 3 India 7 4 Australia 10 5 GCC 6 Japan 24 Source: European Travel Commission (ETTC)/Tourism Economics
EMERGING SOURCES OF FAST GROWTH New Emerging Markets EMERGING SOURCES OF FAST GROWTH IN LONG HAUL MARKETS Singapore South Korea Mexico Canada Iran South Africa Chile Indonesia Source: European Travel Commission (ETTC)/Tourism Economics
Ships exclusively for the Chinese market New Emerging Markets Ships exclusively for the Chinese market
Chinese in every detail New Emerging Markets Chinese in every detail
Partnerships in European Tourism New Emerging Markets Partnerships in European Tourism 19 January 2018, Venice Business Summit and Networking Theme: EU-China Cooperation Market: China 6-7 March 2018, Berlin Conference, B2B Matchmaking and Exhibiting Opportunities Theme: European Culture and Water Routes Market: China and US 16 April 2018, Beijing Conference, B2B Matchmaking and Exhibiting Opportunities Theme: Family Travel Market: China
The future of river cruising
The future of river cruising What the experts say… “River cruising has unlimited potential, and with new lines, new ship designs throughout many fleets, and ever more creative approaches to creating river itineraries, it’s only going to be more popular as time goes on.” Carolyn Spencer Brown, Editor in Chief, Cruise Critic “So far, I haven’t seen much of a slow down on our side – we will continue to build two to three new vessels per year for the foreseeable future.” Rudi Schriener, president of AmaWaterways “The growth in the river cruising trend continues. In fact, demographics and awareness of the travel style will be source of growth for many years” Patrick Clark, MD Avalon Waterways
New Demographics U by Uniworld
The future of river cruising Venice Negative impact
I’m so happy we didn’t come across crowds like these The future of river cruising Avoiding the crowds… I’m so happy we didn’t come across crowds like these Overcrowding
The future of river cruising Residents revolt!
The future of river cruising State of the Art Is the future green?
Danube – natural landscape The future of river cruising Waterway management Danube – natural landscape
Stakeholder collaboration The future of river cruising Stakeholder collaboration UNESCO Waterway and wildlife NGOs Port authorities Catchment agencies Municipalities National government River operators and ground agents Chambers of commerce Community groups
European tourism association Thank you for your attention! Website: www.etoa.org Tel: +44 20 7499 4412 Email: info@etoa.org