Changes in the Education and Exam Regulations 2009-2010
Overview Background Style and structure New terminology Exam commissions Keeping tolerable failures Study credit Other changes in the Exam Regulations Programmes jointly organised by HUB and KUL Bachelor in Gezinswetenschappen (Bachelor in Family Sciences)
1. Background Team of colleagues working on the Education and Exam Regulations on the level of the Assocation KULeuven created: a framework for binding agreements for all institutions in the Association uniform Education and Exam Regulations (E&ER) (Association-E&ER): inspiration for the creation of an institution-specific E&ER
2. Style and Structure Structure Association-E&ER is reflected in HUB-E&ER: I List with terms II Education regulations III Exam regulations (general + complementary) IV Implementation/Transition measures But the HUB-friendly style is kept intact
3. New terminology (1) Past Present Within the framework of the Association KULeuven - on programme level Past Study programme Year of Standard Learning Path Present Curriculum Programme phase
3. New terminology (2) Past Present Within the framework of the Association KULeuven - on student level Past Year programme Standard Learning Path Personal Learning Path ----------- Present Individual year programme Standard path Flexible path Individualised path can be granted on request of the student
3. New terminology (3) Individualised path at HUB, some practical matters: Students choose between a Standard path and a Flexible path If students want to deviate from the rules in the Education and Exam Regulations with respect to flexible paths: flexible path individualised path (approval Learning path coach necessary!) Learning path coach informs the student about the decision and enters it in the database
4. Exam commissions (1) PAST PRESENT Overview parties involved: Representative exam commission Special exam commission Internal appeal authority Examinator PRESENT Exam commission of the programme (Art 27- 28 ER) Limited exam commission (Art 29 ER) Internal appeal authority (Art 52 ER) Examinator (Art 30 ER) President and SA (Art 50 and 51 ER)
4. Exam commissions (2) PAST PRESENT Repr exam commission per programme Min. 3 members Authority to Confirm results Determine class of honours Give advice Deal with apparently unreasonable results Special exam commission Force majeure: decisions with respect to tolerable failures, class of honours Fraud PRESENT Repr exam commission per programme Art 27 and 28 ER Min. 7 members Authority to Confirm results Determine class of honours Give advice Deal with apparently unreasonable results Force majeure: decisions with respect to tolerable failures, class of honours Fraud Consensus decisions, possibly with secret voting All members, except for the ombuds, are allowed to vote
4. Exam commissions (3) PAST PRESENT Limited exam commission Examinator Authority to Determine results of credit contracts Determine results of incoming Erasmus students PRESENT Limited exam commission Art 29 ER Composition President, secretary and ombuds Authority to Prepare deliberation Determine late results of Erasmus students Determine results of credit contracts Examinator Determines results of incoming Erasmus students !! In case of fraud or force majeure with an incoming Erasmus student: file will be presented to the exam commission of the programme to which the course belongs
4.Exam commissions (4) PRESENT PAST Internal appeal authority Authority with respect to Internal appeals Material errors Determine late results of Erasmus students PRESENT Internal appeal authority Art 52 ER Authority with respect to Internal appeals President of the exam commission and SA (Art 50 and 51 ER) See last slide (Limited exam commission)
5. Keeping tolerable failures (1) Slight change target group “1/9-rule” Art 46 ER Students in the initial phase of a Bachelor degree programme may tolerate a maximum of 1/9 of the number of study credits for which they have obtained a credit in the Bachelor degree programme in question Students are regarded as being in the initial phase who, in the Bachelor degree programme in question at HUB, have not yet obtained 30 credits (registered credits and exemptions taken together) before the start of the February deliberation period
5. Keeping tolerable failures (2) Current rule (students need to obtain at least 30 study units in the Bachelor to be eligible for a tolerable failure): abolished
5. Keeping tolerable failures (3) If a student decides to take a second exam chance for a course for which he obtained a tolerable failure (Fx), the mark for the first exam chance is kept if it is higher than the mark that the student obtains in the second exam chance. (Art 47 §2 ER) Degree students may drop any tolerable failures that they obtain in their first exam chance for which they still have sufficient tolerance credit. They state this in writing, no later than the day before the meeting of the exam commission, to the Student Administrative Services Centre (SA). The result obtained in the second exam chance for the course in question then replaces the previously obtained tolerable figure in the next deliberation period, unless the first figure is higher. (Art 47 §3 ER)
6. Study credit Measures in case of insufficient study credit On the grounds of a motivated petition submitted to a student counsellor from the Centre for Student Counselling and Facilities, students may still be allowed to start the programme (Education Regulations point Refusal on the grounds of insufficient study credit) Tuition fee x 2 for study units for which the student has no study credit. (Education Regulations point 2.3.4 Increased tuition fee in case of insufficient study credit)
7. Other changes in the Exam Regulations (1) If a student has not paid the owed tuition fee or has not made an arrangement with the Social Service of the institute: registration is suspended the student does not receive credit validation Art 11 ER Specific and limited costs for the use of goods and the organisation of specific events are passed on to the extent that there is a direct connection with the organisation of the degree programme Programme coordinator and Academic Secretary inform students about it at the beginning of the academic year. Education Regulatins point 2.3.6 Calculation of extra study costs
7. Other changes in the Exam Regulations (2) With irregularities: exhaustive list with all possible sanctions is elaborated with the following sanction: when taking the next exam chance, the student must resit the exam in altered exam conditions Art 42 ER A visual and/or sound recording of an exam or the oral defence of a Bachelor, final or Master thesis is permitted only subject to prior written consent from all interested parties. Under no circumstances may recordings be used as an item of evidence in an internal appeal. (Art 9§2 ER)
7. Other changes in the Exam Regulations (3) Copies of exam forms: Can be submitted to students who start an application procedure with SA Application procedure is NOT submitted to the lecturer directly Lecturers refer students to SA for legal advice with respect to Public nature of administration Privacy legislation Copyright exam questions A student declared as having passed a bridge or preparatory programme for a doctorate is not awarded an honours degree. (Art 38§6 ER)
8. Programmes jointly organised by HUB and KUL Programmes organised by HUB and KUL: Bachelor in de rechten Master in de Intellectuele rechten Master in het Vennootschapsrecht Master of Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sciences Specific measures included in the complementary exam regulations with respect to Passing a programme Allocating class of honours Art 54 until 66 of the complementary Education Regulations for the Academic programmes
9. Bachelor in de Gezinswetenschappen A number of different and complementary measures are included in a separate section: section 11 of the Education Regulations Primarily concerned with the organisation of the programme
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