2016-2017 School Year 8th Grade Advanced Language Arts Autumn Ottenad Welcome Back to School 2016-2017 School Year 8th Grade Advanced Language Arts Autumn Ottenad
Who is Mrs. Ottenad? Autumn Ottenad Born & Raised in Renton, WA Went to Cascade, Nelsen, & Lindbergh. BA English Lit & History from Gonzaga U MAT from Seattle Pacific University Taught high school ELA in Renton Taught middle school ELA in LWSD Working on my doctorate at SPU Me at 5th grade graduation
How to contact me? Email Phone In Person ottenada@issaquah.wednet.edu Phone 425-837-6841 In Person Meet in room 3210 Please check out my website: http://www.swiftclassroom.com/ims/ottenada
In my class it is a place where students should: Acquire writing skills to gain independence Develop a feel for the purpose and power of writing Immerse themselves in the craft of writing by “Reading Like Writers” Make decisions about what and how they write Use Mentor Texts as coaches Is part of a supportive writing community!
Educational Philosophy Knowledge is socially constructed – colored by past experiences, cultural traditions, authorities’ words Students come with varied learning styles and abilities Knowledge has several dimensions and can be demonstrated in different ways Students learn better when information is directly relevant to their lives Critical that teacher understands students’ levels of understanding
Evaluation of Student Progress Achievement Performance: Written Assessments, Essays, Independent Reading & Oral Presentations Assignments: quizzes, worksheets, 75% 25% Non-Achievement Indicators: Work Habits, Collaboration, Initiative & Citizenship
What makes advanced different? Advanced Language Arts purpose is to provide a rigorous environment where topics covered may be the same or similar to regular LA, but each topic will be covered with greater depth, a faster pace, and often with more challenging literature. Additionally, independence and initiative is fostered through student choice and project-based learning.
Homework Planners: Students record homework daily; every effort made to keep website updated Basic Homework Schedule: 30 minutes of daily independent reading (2 hours weekly) and written responses; occasional written practice and longer term projects Homework Not Turned in Policy: Absent – one day given to make up work for each day absent See syllabus for more details
Reading Materials: Novels Upfront Magazine Independent Reading Reading Journals Learning Strategies: Whole class discussions Literature circles Guided Reading Groups Individual Written Responses Genre Studies Integrated Vocabulary Development
Writing Materials: Strategies: Writing Program: Writing Fundamentals, a Workshop Curriculum Student Portfolios Strategies: Genre Studies: Narrative, Expository & Argumentative Writer’s Workshop Analyze Student and Teacher Models Integrated Grammar Instruction Written Reflections
Grouping for Instruction Whole Class Direct Skill Instruction Interest Groups Paired Learning Cooperative Learning Ability Groups Whole Class
Thank YOU! These organizations generously help bridge the gap the dollars the state provides and the funding we need.