WHAT IS EXPECTED OF ME AS A BTEC STUDENT The correct kit will be required for EVERY lesson. You will be expected to perform in front of your peers, in assemblies and in performing arts evenings and shows. Additional rehearsal time will be necessary so you must be willing to commit to lunchtime or after school activities.
CORRECT KIT Black leggings or tracksuit bottoms Black t.shirt (it must be a t.shirt which is suitable – no vests, low crop tops) Supportive underwear! No Jewellery Hair tied back No shoes or appropriate footwear for the style
WHAT WILL I STUDY IN THE BTEC? 3 units will be covered Dance Skills Planning, Performing and Production Individual Showcase For each unit you will have a booklet to record your work for each lesson. It is crucial that this is kept up to date as this is your evidence for the qualification.
ASSESSMENT You are responsible for knowing what you will be assessed on and making sure that this is signed when you think you have finished an assignment. You will be graded with a Pass, a Merit or a Distinction. All work will be taught practically therefore you will be videoed. You will also need to complete a controlled assessment which will be a letter of application for a job.
TODAYS TASK This lesson is a chance for you to consider about health and safety within Dance. Over the next few lessons you will be taking part in workshops so its important that you know about health and safety. You will need to work individually to research the following and then present back to the class.
THINGS TO INCLUDE What things should you consider for the studio? What things are important for you as a dancer. Why do we warm up and what is the effect on the body? Diet and nutrition