A-level subjects offered on site at Nower Hill: Geography Government and Politics Graphics History ICT BTEC Latin Law Maths Media Studies Music Music Technology Philosophy, Religion and Ethics Photography Physics Psychology Sociology Spanish Biology Business Chemistry Classical Civilisation Computer Science Dance Drama Economics English Language & Literature English Literature Fine Art French Further Maths
Student Voice Senior Student Leaders 6th Form Learning Conversations Student-led clubs and societies Recognition of Achievement Fundraising for St. Marcellin’s Village, Zimbabwe Organising social events
Entry to Nower Hill 6th Form Grade 5 or above in Maths and a Grade 5 or above in either English Language or English Literature. 4 other GCSE passes at grade 4 or above. Must meet the GCSE requirements for 3 or 4 A-level subjects, depending on the pathway they choose. All A levels will be linear from 2017 meaning no modules can be sat at the end of Year 12 that contribute towards the final A level. The whole content is examined in terminal assessments at the end of Year 13. AS levels do not count towards the final A-level. There is an increased amount of content and students are required to cope with the unexpected and think on their feet in the exam more than previously. There is less coursework than previously, the exams are longer and they have to make more links between different parts of the spec and examine things in more depth. To help students do this requires more teaching time and that is what we have decided to provide our students with from 2017. To enable more teaching time to happen and to enable our students to be more successful in the terminal exams at the end of Year 13, we will not be requiring all students to sit AS exams at the end of Year 12. Wanted to make sure our students still had breadth of curriculum and chose the right subjects to take through from year 12 to 13. We have thought very carefully about our new curriculum in the best interests of our students in the face of a changing landscape. We believe we have come up with an excellent model catering for all A-level students and enabling all our A level students to be successful.
Pathway A - 4 subjects over 2 years September 2018 (Year 12) February 2019 July 2019 September 2019 (Year 13) Student starts 4 A-level subjects Student achieves high grades in internal exams in all 4 subjects Could be any 4 subjects e.g. Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Fine Art. Student achieves high grades in second set of internal exams in all 4 subjects You may like to refer to p.5 of the 6th form booklet Student continues studying 4 subjects in Year 13 and finishes with 4 full A-levels
Pathway B - 4 to 3 subjects September 2018 (Year 12) February 2019 English Literature, Latin, Classical Civilisation and Drama. Student starts 4 A-level subjects Student sits internal exams in all 4 subjects. After receiving results of the internal exams, student decides the 3 subjects in which he/she will complete the full A-level and the 1 subject in which he/she will not complete the full A-level. Student continues with Latin, Classical Civilisation and Drama. Student decides to discontinue English Literature and no longer attends these lessons. The student will then no longer attend lessons in the subject in which he/she is not completing the full A-level. The lessons in that subject will be replaced with silent study.
Pathway B - 4 to 3 subjects July 2019 September 2019 (Year 13) September 2019 (Year 13) Student sits and passes internal exams (3 E grades or above) in 3 subjects. Latin, Classical Civilisation, Drama Student continues into Year 13 and finishes with 3 full A-levels. Latin, Classical Civilisation, Drama
Pathway C - 4 to 3 subjects with AS in 4th subject September 2018 (Year 12) February 2019 Student starts 4 A-level subjects History, Law, Politics, PRE Student sits internal exams in all 4 subjects. Student decides to take full A-level in History, Politics and PRE. After receiving results of the internal exams, student decides the 3 subjects in which he/she will complete the full A-level and the 1 subject in which he/she will not complete the full A-level, but continues to attend lessons in all 4 subjects. Student decides not to take full A-level in Law.
Pathway C - 4 to 3 subjects with AS in 4th subject May/June 2019 July 2019 September 2019 (Year 13) Student sits the AS exam in the subject in which they are not completing the full A-level. Student sits the AS Law exams. Student sits and passes internal exams (3 E grades or above) in 3 subjects. History, Politics and PRE. Student continues into Year 13 and finishes with 3 full A-levels and 1 AS level. History, Politics and PRE.
Pathway D - 3 subjects over 2 years September 2018 (Year 12) February 2019 July 2019 September 2019 (Year 13) Student starts 3 A-level subjects Could be any 3 subjects e.g. Sociology, Photography and Media Studies. Student sits internal exams in all 3 subjects. Student sits and passes internal exams (3 E grades or above) in 3 subjects. Student continues studying 3 subjects in Year 13 and finishes with 3 full A-levels
Support and Guidance going into Year 12 6th-17th November Guidance Interview with a member of the school’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT) after half term to discuss draft application form. 23rd January Final version A-level Options Form in results envelope on Mock Results Day 1st February Final version Options form handed in at meeting with SLT at Year 11 Parents Evening Deadline for all Options forms 6th February
Senior Students 2017 Head Boy Ishmael Allman Head Girl Karishma Dave