Working with the voluntary sector to improve care
Stephen Elgar
Damion Nickerson Engagement Manager
Who we are Neutrally positioned between central government and local government. Actively working with local places to identify their information sharing issues. Our vision is to improve service delivery and outcomes for people as a direct result of improved information sharing between partner agencies. Local National Organisation Partners: DWP, HO, DCLG, DoH, DfE, BIS (Business Innovation Skills) An Independent Organisation, sitting between Central Government and Local Government Work with local places to tease out their information sharing issues Our end goal is to improve service delivery and provide better outcomes for people.
Information governance What we do Information governance Technology Culture We work across a wide range of policy areas: Mental health and policing Multi agency safeguarding Health and social care integration Troubled families Welfare reform Better regulation for a stronger economy Focus: Culture – best database, processes and legal aspects signed-off but doesn't mean IS will happen Culture means: Leadership, Communication, Partnership Working, Learning, Decision Making and Organisational Governance Approach to Change, Operational Set Up, Sustainability – Impact and Benefits
Cultural themes Cross-cutting – across policy and place Leadership, vision, collaboration Professional development Partnership and organisational culture Risk management Citizen engagement
Putting information sharing at the heart of collaborative working It is important for the Police and the National Health Service (NHS) to find new ways to work together and share information. The IGA with the Centre of Excellence for Information Sharing have produced a document that provides case studies from across England and shows how different approaches to innovation have been developed and illustrate what is possible. They all concern sharing information about citizens as service users and patients. All of the case studies covered are the results of local and national initiatives that saw information sharing as a ‘root cause’ of the problems within local practice.
Seaview Annie Whelan
What is Seaview? Open access wellbeing centre catering for people on the edges of Society Serve the needs of 1400 people per year Mental Health problems, Addictions, homelessness, long term conditions, learning disabilities 75 % men 25% women Majority of clients aged between 30- 60 with no upper age limits Numbers of rough sleepers in the town growing exponentially
Two departments Rough Sleeper outreach Verification of rough sleepers Wellbeing centre Meals Primary Care Healthy Activities Gym Laundry Showers Clean clothes Rough Sleeper outreach Verification of rough sleepers Street Activities Housing Support Crisis Housing Navigator Health and Housing Hub
Partners using our space as a hub St John Ambulance Sussex police ( liaison officer for rough sleepers) Hastings Borough council Adult social Care Advocacy Services Other Voluntary Sector Housing support providers Sussex partnership Foundation TrusT (mental Health) Credit union Benefit support providers
Information sharing Signed Caldicott agreements from all partners using space Information sharing agreements in place where appropriate Approach to gaining consent from individuals is layered On early morning outreach we would not attempt to gain informed consent but we will do welfare checks and invite people into Seaview When in Seaview we would gain further consent undertake needs assessments and Support plans and begin to move things forward.
Café Event Questions Use this time to Have conversations and capture with a table facilitator the following;
What is your understanding of the voluntary and community sector? Multi-disciplinary teams with the inclusion of voluntary sector members – How to work with voluntary and community sector staff (usually paid professionals working in a non-statutory organisation) to share information successfully for better outcomes for people. Multi-agency partnerships with the inclusion of Voluntary sector members – how to develop partnership projects? Voluntary sector as alliance team members in the delivery of NHS services alongside (e.g. Mental Health)– what governance and changes in approach to information sharing need to be in place?