#wdr2016 www.worldbank.org/wdr2016
Are countries reaping sizable digital dividends? Growth Jobs Services Business People Government Helps businesses to grow, people to find work and entrepreneurial opportunities, and governments to provide better services. AGENTS Are the benefits reaching everyone, everywhere?
1. A significant digital divide remains … 6 BILLION without BROADBAND 4 BILLION without INTERNET 2 BILLION without MOBILE PHONES 0.4 BILLION without A DIGITAL SIGNAL SOURCE: WDR 2016 team based on Research ICT Africa and ITU data
… between and within countries—in access and capability SOURCE: WDR 2016 team, based on Research ICT Africa surveys (various years) for 10 African countries.
45:1 Citizen use of e-services lags supply even in the EU countries and is highly sensitive to income
2. No digital transformation without accountable institutions VOICE STATE CAPABILITY PARTICIPATION DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES CONTROL FISCAL WASTE ELITE BIAS without accountable institutions
Digital technology can improve voice and transparency… e-government systems increase the transparency of government budgets, 2014 Complaints were resolved quickly in the Nairobi water utility after the introduction of digital customer feedback SOURCE: Chapter 3, WDR 2016 (http://www.worldbank.org/en/publication/wdr2016)
…but citizens often not engaged: Example, LAPOR, Indonesia Percent of citizen complaints that are actionable Distribution of actionable complaints by service
…and information without ACCOUNTABILITY risks of greater state control and elite capture SOURCE: WDR team, based on Polity IV 2015; UN 2014; Open Net Initiative 2013.
Significant investments in e-government… Core systems
And digital technologies are transforming GOVERNMENT DIGITAL IDENTITY Indians with digital identity: 950 MILLION & COUNTING 950 MILLION & COUNTING
…But high failure rates of e-government projects: example, WB funded e-government projects 35% 27% Based on analysis of approx. 530 WB-funded ICT projects from 1995 to 2015
Digital technologies helping make elections freer and fairer Source: WDR team based on Bishop and Hoeffler (2014) data and Perceptions of Electoral Integrity data
…But can reinforce socioeconomic disparities in voter participation Internet voting can increase voter participation, as in Estonia… …but be biased toward more privileged groups, as in Brazil Source: WDR 2016 team based on Vassil (2015) and Spada et al. (2015)
Race between technology and complements Complements: Index of quality of institutions, skills and regulations. Technology: Index of quality of access to internet and related technologies. SOURCE: WDR 2016 team. For more details see figure 5.3 in the full Report.
Mobile phone based informational services Emerging Mobile phone based informational services Strengthen provider monitoring and payment Improve election monitoring Transitioning Increasing the impact of e-government systems Institutionalizing user feedback on service quality Targeted transparency initiatives Transforming Integrated “whole of government” digital solutions Participatory policymaking Lay the foundations Make sure everyone can take advantage Deal with wicked problems SOURCE: WDR 2016 team.
#wdr2016 www.worldbank.org/wdr2016