TRA consolidation
Why consolidate TRAs? Removes TRA lines for dissolved districts. Contiguity between identical compositions. Could remove a TRA line splitting a parcel. Fewer TRAs to maintain. Currently a maximum of 1000 TRAs within a city. Some cities are approaching the maximum.
Red = cancelled TRAs Black = remaining TRAs
The process in a nutshell: Remove/dissolve inactive districts. Choose LOOK-A-LIKES that you want to consolidate. Consolidations can be done in increments. Revenue and Taxation Code 95(g): “the factors used to allocate the annual tax increment pursuant to Section 98 shall be determined by calculating a weighted average of the annual tax increment factors used in the tax rate areas being combined” Assessor’s Office makes updates to their maps/data. Decide who will assign future TRAs. Routine maintenance every five or so years.
I’m interested. Now what? Contact Anna Marie Price at or by calling (916) 274-3259.