LS1 Committee January 24th, 2014 Status of DFBA LS1 consolidations A. Perin on behalf of all people participating to the project
Outline Overview of consolidations Main operations Consolidation of splices DFBAO/AK repair Other consolidations & issues Integration in LS1 global schedule
Status of DFBA splices consolidation Disconnection of DFBAK 74 / 135 splices consolidated (55%), work completed on 4 DFBAs. Global schedule has been redefined following decision to repair DFBAO in the workshop 4 DFBAs re-closed, 2 DFBA (sect. 6-7) pressure & leak tested
DFBA 13 kA splices consolidation: access to splices 111 /135 splices accessible (82%) 74 /135 splice s with shunts installed (54%) 4 DFBAs re-closed 2 DFBA (sect. 6-7) pressure & leak tested
DFBA LS1 consolidation: detailed dashboard Work ongoing on 12 DFBAs 4 DFBAs re-closed 2 DFBA (sect. 6-7) pressure & leak tested
Consolidation of splices Consolidation rate 74 / 135 splices consolidated (55%). The team has been reinforced (from 2 to 6 people). Consolidation rate is now approx. 5 splices /week (baseline was approx. 2.5 /week). Additional broaching tooling is being procured (delivery 24 Jan) Disconnection / reconnection of DFBAK /AO has some impact. Total splices that have required repairs due : Not due to splice NC 2 + 6 + 1 + 6 = 15 DFBAK: 2 redone following broaching. 6 Undone following problem with gimbal bellows DFBAO: PB 6 due to Short to ground in pigtail#6 DFBAO: 6, disconnection of SHM Due to NC 5 splices (6.8 %) DFBAN: PB1 , DFBAO PB5, DFBAP SH2, SH3, SH6
Repair of DFBAs gimbal bellows upper bellows Lower bellows 4 gimball bellows affected: 2 repaired in-situ (DFBAI & DFBAF): done 2 are being repaired in workshop (B112). Current status: DFBAK: bellows replaced. Cold mass leak checked. Cryostating. DFBAO: SHM in B112. De-cryostating ongoing. Impressive collaboration work for this complex job! Double endoscope inspection of DFBAO
Status of DFBAK/AO gimbal bellows 10 spare units of gimbal bellows delivered end of December 2013 All have been checked for: leak tightness and welding quality Difficult X-ray inspection because of configuration. But method found. Non acceptable problems (tungsten inclusions) discovered on 4 units 6 units are acceptable, not perfect (some porosities present) Strategy: keep 6 units, use 4 units (re-assembly of DFBAK SHM is already ongoing) and send back to manufacturer 3 non-acceptable units. 1 kept at CERN for destructive tests. Progress in X-ray inspections
DFBAK Demounting & transport
DFBAK SHM in B112 for repair 21 November 2013 26 November 2013 21 November 2013 04 Dec 2013 26 November 21 Jan 2014
DFBAO gimbal bellows repair 20/01/2014 21/01/2014
DFBAO 13 kA pigtail#6 short to ground Short to ground detected after welding Identified to be in the pigtail side (small movement makes it appear/disappear) between the PB splice and the current lead Production data show that the problem was present before installation btu considered acceptable at the time. No other pigtail showed a similar prolem at production. Flexible hose demounted in-situ. Repair ongoing.
Other ongoing consolidations CL line consolidation: 10/12 completed HCM-LCM interconnection consolidation (12 IC): completed
Installation of clamps on busbar lyras inside of right-side SHM Installation of clamps: delayed by a) inspection b) consolidation 12 /16 installed
Overview of DFBAs consolidation with LS1 schedule (as presented on 17 Jan at LSC) 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-1 AL AM AJ AN AP AB AA AC AD AE AF AG AH AK AI AO K. Foraz, LSC of 17.11.2013
Impact of DFBAs on sectors Just in Time Weeks of delay Vs baseline just in time J Sector 56 28 Nov. 2013 +20 wks K L Sector 67 18 Nov. 2013 +2wks M N Sector 78 07 Feb. 2014 +15 wks O P Sector 81 20 Feb. 2014 JUST IN TIME A B Sector 12 13 March 2014 - 2 wks C D Sector 23 10 Apr. 2014 -3 wks E F Sector 34 25 May 2014 - 5 wks G H Sector 45 18 June 2014 -4 wks I E. Vergara, M. Bernardini, EN-MEF Red: impact of the sector final date Green: no impact on sector final date
Conclusions Cutting operations, CL line replacement, HL interconnection consolidation, proceed as planned Broaching / shunt installation Team has been reinforced by additional 4 persons (were 2) and extra tooling. Personnel was trained in Dec 2013. Impact already felt. Rate is twice the baseline. Rate of broaching / shunt installation allows to catch up the schedule Still perturbed by need to treat special cases (DFBAK/AO, pigtail) Gimbal bellows problem DFBAK SHM demounted, being repaired DFBAO SHM demounted DFBAF & DFBAI: in-situ consolidation done. Impact on global schedule essentially for DFBAK (5-6) and DFBAO (7-8)
Non-nominal position of busbars on Q7 side of SHM DFBAC M3 line out of position. DFBAE M3 line IC to Q7 appears displaced
DFBA splice consolidation documentation Documentation (ongoing) Tracking and storage of all documents for the DFBA consolidation project. Until 25 Nov.: 2188 documents stored 1785 photos 103 manufacturing/test reports 277 X-rays pictures Presentations/minutes: 23
Gimbal X-Ray Tungsten inclusion 0.2 mm Not permitted according ISO 5817 LB Ref. ISO 6520-1: 3041 Gimbal X-Ray Porosities ø = 0.2 mm Not permitted according ISO 5817 LB Ref. ISO 6520-1: 2011 S. Atieh, EN-MME
Status of DFBAK/AO gimbal bellows repair 10 spare units of gimbal bellows delivered end of December 2013 All have been checked for: leak tightness and welding quality Difficult X-ray inspection because of configuration. But method found. Non acceptable problems (tungsten inclusions) discovered on 4 units 6 units are acceptable, not perfect (some porosities present) Strategy: keep 6 units, use 4 units (re-assembly of DFBAK SHM is already ongoing) and send back to manufacturer 3 non-acceptable units. 1 kept at CERN for destructive tests. Progress in X-ray inspections
X-ray control report (EDMS 1345619 by EN-MME)
DFBAs final dates DFBA Baseline Actual Weeks of delay Vs baseline J 26 June 2013 18 Oct. 2013 +16, DONE K 4 Sept. 2013 5 May 2014 +33 L 10 July 2013 2 Dec. 2013 +21, DONE M 24 July 2013 +19, DONE N 2 Sept. 2013 22 Nov. 2013 +11, DONE O 17 Sept. 2013 22 May 2014 P 29 Oct. 2013 5 Feb. 2014 +12 A 21 Oct. 2013 18 Feb. 2014 +13 B 4 Nov. 2013 21 Feb. 2014 C 18 Nov. 2013 28 Feb 2014 D 9 Dec. 2013 12 March 2014 E 6 Jan. 2014 18 March 2014 +11 F 20 Jan. 2014 4 April 2014 G 3 Feb. 2014 15 April 2014 +14 H 12 May 2014 I 7 March 2014 20 May 2014