How to create and submit a Travel Expense Report
What you’ll need: Receipts from your trip Number of meals per-diem Figure out how many breakfasts, how many lunches, how many dinners, and how many snacks. Jared says these numbers CANNOT include meals provided by the conference, or the breakfast/lunch before your flight, or the lunch/dinner after your return flight, etc. Operating Unit & Account number(s) If you were approved for department travel funds, ask Jasmine for the department number. You may have already retrieved it from her when you put in your Travel Authorization, and it will automatically populate. Jasmine can also give you your research number if you don’t have that accessible or memorized, and if it’s being charged to your research funds. If it’s being charged to more than one account, make sure to find out the numbers from other departments (Kennedy Center, etc.). MUST BE COMPLETED within 30 days of your trip to avoid BYU’s compliance report.
Go to MyBYU Under the “Work” tab, click on “Y-Expense”
Click “Start Expense Report”
If you used your travel card, make sure you’ve attached all of your card transactions (see “What to do with Unattached Card Transactions” PowerPoint. If you’ve attached your card transactions, they will show up here. Check the “Travel” box for all the travel card transactions (may already be checked). Then click “Attach to Expense Report”
Your trip(s) should appear on this screen Your trip(s) should appear on this screen. Find the one you are currently working on and select the green “New” button. Make sure your dates are still correct (sometimes they change by one or two days since you did the TA). Change them if needed. Then click “Confirm Travel.”
1. Follow these instructions 1. Follow these instructions. Be sure to only select the transactions for the particular trip you’re working on. Assign each card transaction to a category. You don’t have to attach the receipt here. You can do them all at the end. Be sure to include Utah Sales Tax (if applicable). Go through each transaction (use little arrows on the right-hand side that will tell you which transaction you’re on out of the total (“1 of 5” or “1 of 6,” etc.) After you’ve assigned all of them, click on the green “Next: Add Account Codes.”
All of your transactions will appear here in their assigned categories. You should never have or add anything to the “Air Fare” category, unless BYU Travel charged the air fare to your travel card. If you had to make a purchase without your travel card, you can add it manually under the correct category. If you are missing a receipt, indicate a missing receipt in the “Notes” section (example: “No receipt 3, no receipt 5,” etc.). If it’s more than $50, you’ll need a Lost/Missing Receipt Affidavit. Click on “Add Per Diem Meals” to add meals. If you had card transactions for them, it’s okay – still include them in the per-diem totals. It will automatically subtract your card transaction from the total, so you WANT to include it in the number of meals. If you hosted a meal while you were there, include the transaction in “Meals – Group or Hosted.” Do not include this meal in Meals Per-Diem.
Jared says to select the “Standard” mileage rate if you drive yourself Jared says to select the “Standard” mileage rate if you drive yourself. Specify in the notes where you drove. If you are charging your trip to multiple accounts, click on “+ Account” to enter it. It will tell you how much you owe BYU, or how much BYU will owe you. If you think there’s an error, go back and check your transactions.
Receipts You’ll need to scan your receipts so that you can upload them to the Travel Expense Report. Tips to making your travel expense report rock solid and easy to approve: If you are claiming per-diem, do NOT include your meals receipts. Only include meal receipts if you’re not claiming per-diem, or if they were group/hosted meals. Scan your receipts in order of category, and in numerical order within that category. Write the category and number next to each receipt. If it’s a foreign receipt for which you didn’t have a card transaction (paid with cash), write the correct amount in U.S. currency next to the receipt. You should’ve included this U.S. amount when you manually entered it. You can tape your receipts in that order on papers and scan it all as one upload. All receipts MUST be itemized receipts. If you are missing a receipt (or itemized receipt) for any travel purchase over $50, you’ll need to fill out a Lost Receipt Affidavit, found here: That includes getting Jared’s signature on it.
After submitting your travel expense report, the Department and College will approve it. After it has been approved, if you traveled internationally, you’ll need to turn in the hard copies of your receipts to C-40 ASB. (Jasmine can run them down for you.) BYU has tax treaties with certain countries, and needs them for the tax breaks.