ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2ND JUNE 2017 Presentation by : Ms Florentine Kabefu Chairperson June 2015 to May 2017
ABOUT US The official umbrella body that represents and acts for the private players in the tourism sector in Malawi. A non-profit TRUST incorporated under the Trustees Incorporation Act on 13th December, 2012. Transformed from the Malawi Tourism Association (MTA) which was also a Trust registered in February, 1999. The Malawi Tourism Council is headed by a Board of Trustees and works through the Executive Committee (EC) The EC is an elected committee of Non-Executive Directors representative of the industry. The EC implements the Council’s functions through the Secretariat.
OUR ROLE Malawi Tourism Council provides strategic direction, and leadership on key issues and opportunities for the tourism industry and advocates policies to Government and other stakeholders as the united voice of the industry. GOALS a) Improving the operating environment for tourism industry to achieve sustainable growth in revenue, profitability, investment and employment b) Creating a globally competitive tourism industry, recognized for outstanding visitor experiences, and professional business practices. c) Having a strong and robust Council providing leadership to the industry as its recognized umbrella body
OUR MISSION The MTC shall be the representative authority of the private sector and professional partners in the development of a viable and vibrant tourism industry in Malawi. Currently MTC leadership is happy to report that the industry seems to appreciate the work that MTC is doing and that most organizations in the industry have partnered with MTC for the greater good .
FOCUS 1 - INDUSTRY POLICY & ADVOCACY Aim: An improved operating environment for tourism industry to achieve sustainable growth in revenue, profitability, investment and employment. FOCUS 2 - INDUSTRY PERFORMANCE Aim: A globally competitive tourism industry, recognized for outstanding visitor experiences, and professional business practices. FOCUS 3 - INDUSTRY LEADERSHIP Aim: A strong and robust Council providing leadership to the industry as its recognized umbrella body
ENGAGEMENTS It is important to note that currently MTC is contributing in the task forces/ committees/ boards of the below organizations (not limited to):- Malawi Institute of Tourism Mzuzu University Brand Malawi Strategy Buy Malawi Strategy Tourism Working Group National Tourism Conference National Tourism Expo GIZ –MIERA project
MTC SECRETARIAT CAPACITY OFFICES The department of tourism has offered MTC Secretariat 4 offices and a conference room at zero rent (will pay utilities) at their new office block in City Centre near Capital hill behind Parliament building. Occupation of offices scheduled between 1st July & 1st August once maintenance work is finalized OFFICE EQUIPMENT GIZ- MIERA Project has approved grant of three laptops and one heavy duty office printer for the MTC office. Handover of the machines will be done today.
SECRETARIAT CAPACITY CONTINUED HUMAN RESOURCES The board has since restructured the secretariat and has come up with 4 permanent posts that will enable the secretariat to function at the maximum capacity whilst working hand in hand with the board of directors. The positions are as listed below:- MTC Executive Director – reporting to MTC BOARD MTC Grants & Finance Officer – reporting to MTC ED MTC Membership Services & communications Officer – reporting to MTC ED MTC Administrative Assistant / Receptionist
ANNUAL WORKPLAN A draft annual work plan that takes into account our 5 year strategic plan for the tourism council is available and will be circulated to you all via email. We would really appreciate any input that can help the council become as vibrant as possible in order for us to finalize the draft. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Resource mobilization is still underway in order to achieve our annual work plan set goals. This is why it’s very important for the council to employ the Grants and Finance officer who will work hand in hand with the executive Director to ensure success.
SUBSECTOR ASSOCIATIONS This issue has been slow moving. However, it is proposed that we start with those associations that are already in existence and are paid up members of Malawi Tourism Council. All non-Members are to be written to and sensitized.
ISSUES AFFECTING OPERATORS IN THE SECTOR Limited air access for both international and local tourists Visa regime complaints on which MTC and the Tourism department is engaging partner Departments to find a long-term solution. Skills shortage in the hospitality sector e.g. shortage of professional Chefs. Complaints on high rates charged by the hospitality sector especially for domestic tourists even after the introduction of flexible rates, especially for locals depending on demand (directly linked to incentives). Lack of access to finance and high cost of borrowing. Limited incentives for tourism investment and development. Limited funding for destination marketing activities. Lack of availability of land for tourism investment
Achievements of MTC June 2015 to May 2017 5 year strategic plan in place Increased Visibility and awareness of MTC in Malawi Strategic Partnerships –Egypt, GIZ –MIERA, ZTA , ZATEX, RETOSA. MTC membership now compulsory for Tourism Operator licenses (technicalities and processes being discussed and assessed) Securing of permanent office space on a complimentary basis from department of tourism with effect from July 2017.
MTC ONGOING LOBBYING ISSUES June 2015 to May 2017 Malawi visa conditions and fees – the ministry of finance now looking into how the region is operating. Tourism Industry becoming a priority in government goals – as evident the sector is now a priority sector for government. Government implementation of a development fund for tourism – the issue still being looked into by the ministry of finance Finalization memorandum of understanding of all Strategic Partnerships –Egypt, GIZ –MIERA, ZTA , ZATEX, RETOSA.
CHALLENGES OF MTC 2015 - 2017 Inadequate financial resources – no longer an issue once the licensing issue is fully implemented Limited capacity/weak Secretariat – no longer an issue once the licensing issue is fully implemented as the secretariat will have 4 contracted officers running the day to day activities. Limited Publicity/visibility – no longer an issue once the secretariat is operating at its full capacity Lukewarm commitment and support on the part of some sub-sectors and members as well as inactive sub-sector associations –we all need to work together.
CURRENT CHALLENGES OF THE MALAWI TOURISM SECTOR (not limited to) CURRENT CHALLENGES OF THE MALAWI TOURISM SECTOR (not limited to) Incentives for Tourism Development Lack of Tourism Satellite Account Access to Financing to grow the Tourism Sector Cost of Financing for Tourism Investment