Do Now Read all three quotes from the Torah, Holy Bible, and Quran AND select the right answer comparing the verses 1. “Now the Lord said to Abram, ‘I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12: 1-3) 2. “You are the descendants of the prophets and of the covenant that God gave to your ancestors, saying to Abraham, ‘And in your descendants all the families of the earth shall be blessed’.” (Acts 3: 25) 3. “And remember that Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain commands, which he fulfilled; He said: ‘I will make thee an Imam to the nations’.” (Qur'an 2: 124) A. All three verses discuss the nation of America B. All three verses discuss the belief in Abraham as the father for their people C. All three verses discuss the belief of cursing folks who sin D. All three verses discuss how the lord did not need prophets
Apocalypse has struck! Our class is the only group of people left on earth! We try to come up with a plan, but nothing is getting done.
How can we make sure that everyone gets to eat? How will we protect ourselves from other predators? How will we create shelter? We have a lot of decisions to make. Nothing will get done if we all talk at once… but how can we make decisions about these policies and questions? Should we have laws? Who owns this land?
What are our options to make decisions for the group? Option A: We will have one leader who will make all of the decisions. He or she will rule until she dies. Option B: The four richest students in the class will make all the decisions and laws. Option C: One rich student rules who listens to the 13 poorest students in the class, but ignores the 4 other rich students. Option D: Everyone will vote on each decision. Policies that are supported by the majority of the class will be instituted. Option E: Each row will vote on one representative who they think will make good decisions. These representatives will be in charge of making decisions and policies.
Which option is the best? Option C: One rich student rules who listens to the 13 poorest students in the class, but ignores the 4 other rich students. Option A: We will have one leader who will make all of the decisions. He or she will rule until she dies. Option B: The four richest students in the class will make all the decisions and laws. Which option is the best? Rank the options in order from best to worst. Option D: Everyone will vote on each decision. Policies that are supported by the majority of the class will be instituted. Option E: Each row will vote on one representative who they think will make good decisions. These representatives will be in charge of making decisions and policies.
Try all options to solve the Issue! Issue: Who owns this land? Question: Which option is the best? Which is the worst? Try all options…
Did you change your mind? Rank the options in order from best to worst.
Government Types The options given are all types of governments that developed over time. Read about these five types of governments and determine which types of government match the options given.
Practice Who rules a monarchy? Who rules an oligarchy? Who rules a tyranny? Who rules a direct democracy? Who rules an indirect democracy?
Practice A ________________________ is government ruled by all the citizens working together. A ________________________ is a government ruled by one strong leader who ruled for their whole lives and was believed to have the authority of the gods or God. A ________________________ is a government ruled by a few rich and powerful men. A ________________________ is a government ruled by a ruler who took charge illegally or against people’s wishes. A ________________________ is a government in which citizens elect representatives to make laws and policies for them.
Challenge: NAME THAT GOVERNMENT! 1) Sparta was run by two kings, council of 5 elders, and a group of 23 men over the age of 60. What type of government did Sparta have? 2) Athens brought together hundreds or thousands of citizens to make laws and run the courts. What type of government did Athens have? 3) Corinth was run by one aristocrat (rich man) who took power away from the other rulers. What type of government did Corinth have? 4) Ancient Egypt was run by a Pharaoh who could hold power until he died. The people believed the gods put him in power. What type of government did Ancient Egypt have? 5) In the US, citizens vote on representatives who make laws in the Senate and House of Representatives. What type of government does the US have?