OAKLEIGH CHARGERS U15 2013-2014 PROGRAM The difference between who you are and who you want to be is WHAT YOU DO
attitude is everything -
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM Develop players on field on the requirements of elite level football. Develop players off the field in terms of preparation, rehab, diet and behaviour. Extend players effort and being process orientated. Enjoy and learn from the whole experience. Meet and develop friendships with players from other clubs.
Expectations From The Players If your unable to train you must let Allan Strauss know. Make sure you hand in all required paper work. Make sure you bring runners, footy boots, cap, sun screen and a drink bottle to all sessions. When arriving to training, sign in and begin using the skills cards provided. Train with intensity and purpose. Kick the ball well, this will make you stand out, and don’t wait until the trial games to show your best.
Expectations From The Players What is your point of difference – “Show It” Be known to all the staff. Always engage the coaching staff from minute one and ask for feedback when you need it. Remember to embrace and enjoy the whole experience and don’t put to much pressure on yourself. You are well prepared and ready to take on the next challenge in your football career.
Football Program The Focus will be on: 1. Skills 2. Decision Making 3. Game Sense 4. Team Defence 5. General Pattern – Ball Movement 6. Core Strength & Conditioning