Learning Objective To understand the term ‘mediation’
What do you see?
Look again…
Representation… These are not the actual thing or person – they are a representation of the thing. Representation means to re-present (i.e. show again) Remember: Individuals and groups of people are represented in the media as being a certain way. This is a construct of reality and NOT reality itself.
How we are represented I could represent this class as diligent and hard working. Or I could represent you as off-task and disengaged. It’s all about HOW I choose to show you, and what I leave OUT. It’s also about WHO is doing the re-presenting
We can show the police as caring and helpful
MEDIATION The media selects (mediates) the way it shows people to serve its own purposes. A media producer (the person who made the media product – advert, film, TV show) will deliberately represent a person or group according to what they want others to believe.
Key term: Mediation Mediation refers how a representation is put together and what message it gives the audience
Representation of character Key term: MEDIATION Actor Mediation Representation of character Selection process: Type of media Editing Camera Angle Costume Language Music The outcome Message to the Audience (Reality)
Representation of character Key term: MEDIATION Actor Mediation Representation of character Selection process: Type of media Editing Camera Angle Costume Language Music Orlando Bloom
Versions of reality: Every report of an event is a representation of the event, NOT reality. What you hear and see in the media is controlled by the person who is informing you – IT IS ONE PERSON’S REPRESENTATION AND THEREFORE WILL PRESENT THEIR OPINIONS, BELIEFS AND BIASES.
Key Term: ANCHORAGE Media representation can have many interpretations so as to direct the audience towards a desired outcome or message the producer can add captions, music, mise en scene, lighting or film from certain camera angles.
What do you think?
TASK: Look at the picture below and think about what it means to you.
Corrupt officer arrested TASK: How does the following caption affect the meaning of the same picture: Corrupt officer arrested
Construction and Focus So media texts ( and representations) are all constructions – they are built. Focus – mediation also encourages the audience to focus upon a particular aspect of the media texts to push us towards a certain perspective. E.g. in a drama the camera may focus upon a particular character or in newspapers and magazines our eyes are drawn to the headlines and coverlines
MISE EN SCENE CINEMATOGRAPHY SOUND Costume, make up Lighting - high key, low key, interior, exterior, artificial, back lighting Production Design Props Performance (body language, facial expressions) Space CINEMATOGRAPHY Close up, extreme close up/long shot, mid shot, two shot, POV, high/low/canted angle, over the shoulder, composition, proximity framing, rule of thirds,, deep/shallow focus, depth of field, tracking, panning, zooming, tilting, craning SOUND Sound bridge, motif, non-diegetic/diegetic, ambient, instrumental, soundtrack, tone, tempo, dialogue, sound effects, foley, synchronous/asynchronous, incidental, music score EDITING Fast/slow pace, long/short takes, fade, dissolve, cut, transition, 180 degree rule, montage/continuity editing, match on action, eyeline-match, cross cutting/parallel editing, simultaneous action
How could age be represented through sound?
How could age be represented through mise en scene?
How could age be represented through cinematography?
How could age be represented through editing?