Welcome to the 2017-2018 Cheerleading Parent/Student Interest Meeting Hosted by: Coach Dee and Coach Langley
Important things to Discuss Athletic Eligibility Packets Cheer Website Cheerleading Payments Fundraisers
Athletic Eligibility Packets Two Options for turning them in: Online or In person; However not all of them can be done online What you will need: 2 proofs of residence Signed Eligibility Form Current CMC Medical Release of Information Child Nutrition Letter NCHSAA High School Pre-Participation Exam Form(Current Physical)
Cheer Website www.eastmeckcheer.weebly.com
Cheerleading Payments JV Varsity Cheer uniform- 120 (Top & Skirt) Individual: (Cheer top- $65 Flyaway skirt- $72) Briefs- 8 Poms- 25 Socks- 5 Bag $26.95 Bodyliner $40 Shoes(Nike) $45.31 Warm-Up $105 Total: $375.26 Cheer Uniform- 95 Briefs- 8 Poms- 25 Socks- 5 Bag- $26.95 Bodyliner- $40 Shoes(Nike)- $45.31 Warm-Up- $105 Total: $350.26 Due July 13th!!! Don’t Forget about the $100 Sport Participation fee each season. (Add $200)- Only if you do not have a waiver Returning members may purchase individual items
Fundraisers Car Wash Scratch and Give Cards Funding Page-Snap Raise(Like go fund me but not) Panther Stadium (In September) Fan Cloth
Scratch & Give Cards So for 33 girls the cost would be $165 and the revenue would be $8250 making a profit of $8085!!!
Funding Page (Snap Raise) https://app.snap-raise.com/ https://app.snap-raise.com/fundraisers/23733
We have a day in September Panthers Stadium We have a day in September
Fan Cloth Get Your East Meck Spirit Gear!!!
Other Things
Any Questions?