REACHING CORE CPG CONSUMERS Family homes & moms Grocery Shoppers Focused on Family health Buyers of baby products Pet owners
ENGAGING FAMILY CONSUMERS 173 428 133 206 210 Homes with Children index Girls 6-14 428 index Moms 133 index CPG Purchase INFLUENCERS Teens 206 index Boys 6-14 210 index CPG Purchase INFLUENCERS CPG Purchase INFLUENCERS Audience Composition Index to US Online Pop. Source: ComScore MediaMetrix, Nov. 2014
the latest food/beverage WATER, JUICE & ENERGY DRINK USERS Open to Trying the Latest Beverages first among friends to buy the latest food/beverage TV SHOWS BOTTLED WATER (carbonated) BOTTLED WATER (non-carbonated) 155 index 145 index 175 index USED IN LAST 30 DAYS INDEX TO US ONLINE POP Source: ComScore PlanMetrix, Oct. 2014, Adult 18+ sample
122 145 155 GROCERY & SPECIALTY FOOD BUYERS index index index GOURMET FOOD BABY FOOD HEALTH FOOD 122 index 145 index 155 index USED IN LAST 30 DAYS INDEX TO US ONLINE POP Source: ComScore PlanMetrix, Oct. 2014, Adult 18+ sample
BEST PRODUCTS 124 123 136 Buyers of Products for Dogs and Cats DOG FOOD CAT FOOD CAT LITTER 124 index 123 index 136 index Used in Last 30 Days Index to US Online Pop. Source: ComScore PlanMetrix, Oct. 2014, Adult 18+ sample
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