For example: Shot no. 1 Description of the action: two members of the rival gang approach the protagonist Shot type: long shot, low angle Camera movement: very slow zoom Diegetic sound: distant footsteps Non-diegetic sound: eerie music, low strings Shot duration: 2 sec Straight cut to…
Shot no. 2 Description of the action: the protagonist notices the two figures and begins to panic; he turns sharply Shot type: close-up, shallow depth of field Camera movement: static camera Diegetic sound: heavy breathing Dialogue: Protagonist – “Get me out of here!” Non-diegetic sound: eerie music, low strings (con’t) Shot duration: 3 sec Straight cut to…
Shot no. 3 Description of the action: another member of the gang blocks the protagonist’s way Shot type: mid-shot Camera movement: static camera Diegetic sound: gasp from the protagonist Non-diegetic sound: low strings building to a crescendo Shot duration: 1 sec Straight cut to…