Application forms
Description of submission Name of campaign Description of campaign Market launch - time and geographical area Aims / target group of campaign Sales and communication channels Why was a promotional product used? Pictures of campaign
Name of campaign Description of campaign
Market launch - time and geographical area Date, region etc.:
Aims / target group of campaign
Sales and communication channels
Why was a promotional product used?
On the basis of which criteria have you measured the campaign's success?
Pictures of the advertising campaign
Application documents The following documents (burned to CD or enclosed as a separate appendix) accompany this application: Demo version Sketches/drawings of the product Sample pictures or videos Other depictions of the product Samples: _____________________________________ Other: _____________________________________
Terms of participation Any documentation submitted will only be returned on special request. The more detailed and informative the documents submitted are, the easier it is for the jury to gain an accurate impression of your campaign. If there is not enough space, please submit further details on separate sheets. You can also send the documents: by to: by fax to: or by post to: PSI NL der Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH Frau Eva-Maria Geef Völklinger Straße Düsseldorf Admissible file formats:.pdf,.xls,.doc,.jpg,.tiff,.pps and.gif. Incomplete entry documentation will not be accepted by the jury!
Contact For further questions: PSI NL der Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH Frau Eva-Maria Geef Völklinger Straße Düsseldorf Tel.:+49(0)211 –