SPORT AND RECREATION SOUTH AFRICA “Improving the quality of life of all South Africans through sport and recreation”
Objectives of SRSA To increase the levels of participation of South Africans in sport and recreation activities To raise the profile of sport and recreation amongst decision makers To improve the performances of South Africans in major international competitions To place sport and recreation at the forefront of efforts to address issues of national importance SRSA
The core business of sport and recreation Recruiting more South Africans into healthy physical activity (MORE PEOPLE) Assisting more South African to win medals in major international competitions (MORE MEDALS) Providing greater access to sport and recreation by building facilities especially in marginalized communities (MORE PLACES) Assisting with bringing major international sports events to South Africa to contribute to building the economy (MORE EVENTS) SRSA
Priorities of sport and recreation Confirm and streamline the roles of stakeholders Provide funds for the upgrading and creation of basic, multi-purpose sport and recreation facilities especially in disadvantaged areas To develop the human resource potential required for the effective management of sport and recreation To motivate the community to develop active lifestyles and to channel those with talent into competitive sport To develop a high performance programme that is geared toward preparing elite athletes for major competitions To ensure that all sport and recreation bodies meet their affirmative action objectives To develop a code of ethics for sport and recreation To develop and implement an international relations policy in concert with national government policy SRSA
Vision and mission of Sport and Recreation South Africa SRSA strives to be the most efficient, effective, economical and transparent government department, comparable to the best in the world in facilitating the delivery of sport and recreation to the people of South Africa MISSION: SRSA actualizes government’s objectives through the optimalizsation of sport and recreation delivery in conjunction with agents in the public entity, private and non-governmental sectors SRSA
Programmes of sport and recreation South Africa SRSA
Summary of baseline expenditure programmes 1998/99 – 2004/05 SRSA