Interest I am about to carry out a very simple skill. I will be filing a piece of mild steel. I want you to observe the task and then we will brake down.


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Presentation transcript:

Interest I am about to carry out a very simple skill. I will be filing a piece of mild steel. I want you to observe the task and then we will brake down the various elements. Carry out filing task. After the task ask students loaded questions on the process. 2

Senses and Learning 3 Theory Skill SIGHT TOUCH SIGHT HEARING HEARING Senses + Learning Looking at information gathering during the various lessons:- Click If we look back at the Theory lesson then we notice that we gather data through our senses. The majority of information through visual and auditory (However, some through our other three senses) With the Skills lesson the emphasis changes or shifts to more of the kinaesthetic side where we need to move the students towards the practical task of doing the skill. 3

Skills Analysis 4 Title Mag-Aid or written on wipe board. (This is used as a form of sign-post) Need You will be including these and more aspects in your next Instructional Practice. In addition a great deal of training within the military uses skills lessons. 4

Range Question policy Time Notes Content / Test. Question policy is nomination to demonstrate the technique advocated (Pose, Pause and Pounce) Note: Instructors also to display correct answer handling techniques. If you have any questions – do not hesitate to ask them Time allocated is 45 Minutes Notes – all relevant information is contained within the handout, however if you prefer to take notes please continue. Ground rules for the students (for example on drinking and ventilation) There will be a verbal test at the end of the lesson to confirm understanding

Objectives State the purpose for skills analysis By the end of this lesson you will be able to: State the purpose for skills analysis Name the main parts of a skills analysis Objectives To be shown and stated (this gives reinforcement and clarity) State the elements within these parts. 6

Purpose The purpose of Skills Analysis is to break down a task or skill into its component parts. The level should ensure that the task or skill can be replicated by the student It should provide students with sufficient information to perform the task/skill correctly and safely. When we teach any skills lesson we must brake it down into all of it parts so that all the students can identify these elements any therefore gain a clear understanding of what they need to do. 8

Move weight distribution. Filing Exercise Inspect the file Select the handle Fit handle / Drop to Secure Test handle fit Adopt filing stance Carry out filing action Adjust pressure Bring out the points in sequence missing out the two hidden points of:- Adjust Pressure Move / Distribute weight. Move weight distribution. Inspect work Clean file 9

Experience Speed Standard Co-Ordination Economy of effort. 10 As a child I would sit and watch my Farther sawing wood. When I asked if I could do the task it took me hours and at the end I was exhausted. With experience what type of things change? Economy of effort. 10

With the costs of training increasing constantly, plus the cost of equipment and the fact that students are not a disposable asset we need to avoid mistakes in training. In saying this we will see mistakes from time to time and we should use them as a learning platform. 11

Unconscious Competence Consciously Competent Consciously Incompetent Competency Awareness Unconscious Competence Consciously Competent Consciously Incompetent The process of learning any skill can be understood through the system of Competency Awareness. Example of Tying Shoe Laces. We should be aiming to take our students to the Consciously Competent stage of the process. Remember that people will learn at different rates so treat students as individuals. Unconscious Incompetence 12

Objectives Performance Conditions Standards 14 Performance - What you want the students to do by the end of the lesson. Conditions – Are there any specific conditions that need to be taken into account? Standards – How quickly to what standard do you want the task completed. 14

Skills Objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able to place three boxes on top of each other to form a ‘stack’. The boxes are to be placed in order: yellow, red, blue with the side against the front wall, within 5 seconds, using the boxes provided within a classroom environment. Adhering to all relevant H & S regulations. If we look at the objectives required for the skill it has to be much more concise. 15

Skills Objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able to place three boxes on top of each other to form a ‘stack’. The boxes are to be placed in order: yellow, red, blue with the side against the front wall, within 5 seconds, using the boxes provided within a classroom environment. Adhering to all relevant H & S regulations. Performance element 16

Skills Objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able to place three boxes on top of each other to form a ‘stack’. The boxes are to be placed in order: yellow, red, blue with the side against the front wall, within 5 seconds, using the boxes provided within a classroom environment. Adhering to all relevant H & S regulations. Conditions element 17

Skills Objectives By the end of this lesson you will be able to place three boxes on top of each other to form a ‘stack’. The boxes are to be placed in order: yellow, red, blue with the side against the front wall, within 5 seconds, using the boxes provided within a classroom environment. Adhering to all relevant H & S regulations. Standards element 18

What 20 Procedure Task Sequence Fit handle to file When analysing the skill there are three main elements that we need to consider the What. Is the element part of a procedure / task is there a laid down sequence. Looking at fitting the file handle what came before and what is to follow… When putting this down we can at times make assumptions, how many of you have used Haynes manuals or even worse tried to assemble IKEA furniture. Examples on next slide… 20

Slowly turn the crankshaft in the normal direction of rotation Instructions Slowly turn the crankshaft in the normal direction of rotation Prior to removing the distributor, remove the flywheel housing timing aperture cover (if fitted) "Be taking a large hammer and be striking with all your force on the panel pins that we are supplying for you. Take much care not to be hitting your thumb and making much swearing with your mouth." Her we look at various instructions that are extracted from Haynes manuals and IKEA assembly instructions. Why are these statements a problem? Vague. Need some form of diagram to make sense of the statement. Assume prior knowledge 21

What How Why 22 Senses Safety Decisions Procedure Importance Task Movements (Datums, tips and hints) Safety Importance Difficulty Procedure Task Sequence What How Why Sharp tang – hand protection Horizontally align push on (touch) Fit handle to file S I Better grip Going back to the file handle: Not only do we need to know what we need to do but we also need to know How: Tips are the main area here as they show our knowledge and experience. Be aware of making assumptions and using vague terminology. Why: Individuals need to understand the WHY as they may be tempted to try it ‘their own way’ Safety must be stressed throughout!! Definitive 4”-6” vertical drop check by firm pull The correct force without damage D 22

Summary Purpose The purpose of Skills Analysis is to break down a task or skill into its component parts. The level should ensure that the task or skill can be replicated by the student. It should provide students with sufficient information to perform the task/skill correctly and safely. When we teach any skills lesson we must brake it down into all of it parts so that all the students can identify these elements any therefore gain a clear understanding of what they need to do. 24

Objectives Performance Conditions Standards 25 Performance - What you want the students to do by the end of the lesson. Conditions – Are there any specific conditions that need to be taken into account? Standards – How quickly to what standard do you want the task completed. 25

What How Why 26 Senses Procedure Safety Decisions Task Importance Sequence Senses Decisions Movements (Datums, tips and hints) Safety Importance Difficulty What How Why Why must it be carried out in that order? What is the next stage? What do we have to do? How did we achieve that? S I Why did this help? What options were available? Going back to the file handle: Not only do we need to know what we need to do but we also need to know How: Tips are the main area here as they show our knowledge and experience. Be aware of making assumptions and using vague terminology. Why: Individuals need to understand the WHY as they may be tempted to try it ‘their own way’ Safety must be stressed throughout!! There should always be a reason. D 26

Objectives 27 By the end of this lesson you will be able to: State the purpose for skills analysis Name the main parts of a skills analysis Objectives To be shown and stated (this gives reinforcement and clarity) State the elements within these parts. 27

Test Test of all the KLPs in the same order as the development and the summary Purpose of a technical Skills Lesson The main elements of the Lesson (Introduction, Development, Consolidation and Amplification) 28

Link Student Management Reference DIT / TTT Handout. 29

Any Final Questions ?