How Do Animals Survive In The Wild? Animal Adaptations How Do Animals Survive In The Wild?
Defend against predators Find mates for reproduction Basic Animal Requirements: Find food to eat Defend against predators Find mates for reproduction
How do different feet types aid in survival?
Structural Adaptation A body part that aids in survival Examples: Heron’s feet are for wading in mud Eagle’s feet for grabbing and holding prey Duck’s feet are for swimming Sparrow’s feet are for perching
Structural adaptations (Physical) A structural adaptation involves some part of an animal's body. Teeth Body coverings Movement A structural adaptation involves some part of an animal's body, such as the size or shape of the teeth, the animal's body covering, or the way the animal moves. Teeth - since different animals eat different things, they don't all have the same kind of teeth Body coverings - Hair, scales, spines, and feathers grow from the skin. All of these parts help animals survive in their environments. Movement - animals find food by moving from place to place
Structural adaptations (Physical) Una adaptación estructural involucra una parte del cuerpo de un animal. Teeth Body coverings Movement A structural adaptation involves some part of an animal's body, such as the size or shape of the teeth, the animal's body covering, or the way the animal moves. Teeth - since different animals eat different things, they don't all have the same kind of teeth Body coverings - Hair, scales, spines, and feathers grow from the skin. All of these parts help animals survive in their environments. Movement - animals find food by moving from place to place
Protective Coloration Coloration and protective resemblance allow an animal to blend into its environment. Another word for this might be camouflage. Their camouflage makes it hard for enemies to single out individuals.
Protective Coloration Coloración y semejanza protectora permiten a un animal para integrarse en su entorno. Otra palabra para esto podría ser el camuflaje. Su camuflaje hace que sea difícil para los enemigos a solo a personas.
Mimicry Mimicry allows one animal to look, sound, or act like another animal to fool predators into thinking it is poisonous or dangerous. Coral snake (left) very poinsonous & Milk snake (right)
Mimicry Mímica permite un animal a buscar, sonido, o actúan como otro animal para engañar depredadores en pensando que es venenosa o peligrosa. Coral snake (left) very poinsonous & Milk snake (right)
Chemical defenses (like venom, ink, sprays) Physical adaptation Chemical defenses (like venom, ink, sprays)
Defensas químicas (como el veneno, tinta, aerosoles) Physical adaptation Defensas químicas (como el veneno, tinta, aerosoles)
Behavior adaptations Behavior adaptations include activities that help an animal survive. Behavior adaptations can be learned or instinctive. Social behavior Behavior for protection Behavior adaptations include activities that help an animal survive. Behavior adaptations can be learned or instinctive. (a behavior an animal is born with). Social behavior - some animals live by themselves, while other live in groups. Behavior for protection - An animal's behavior sometimes helps to protect the animal. For instance the opossum plays dead. A rabbit freezes when it thinks it has been seen.
Behavior adaptations Adaptaciones de comportamiento incluyen actividades que ayudan a un animal sobrevivir. Adaptaciones de comportamiento pueden ser aprendido o instintivo. Comportamiento social comportamiento para la protección Behavior adaptations include activities that help an animal survive. Behavior adaptations can be learned or instinctive. (a behavior an animal is born with). Social behavior - some animals live by themselves, while other live in groups. Behavior for protection - An animal's behavior sometimes helps to protect the animal. For instance the opossum plays dead. A rabbit freezes when it thinks it has been seen.
Migration Animals migrate for different reasons. better climate better food safe place to live safe place to raise young go back to the place they were born. This is when behavioral adaptation that involves an animal or group of animals moving from one region to another and then back again. Migration-is the behavioral adaptation that involves an animal or group of animals moving from one region to another and then back again. Animals migrate for different reasons. The reasons are as follows. better climate better food safe place to live safe place to raise young go back to the place they were born.
Migration Animales migran por diversas razones. mejor clima mejor comida lugar seguro en lugar seguro para criar pequeños volver al lugar en que nacieron. Esto es cuando la adaptación conductual que consiste en un animal o grupo de animales en movimiento de una región a otra y entonces detrás otra vez. Migration-is the behavioral adaptation that involves an animal or group of animals moving from one region to another and then back again. Animals migrate for different reasons. The reasons are as follows. better climate better food safe place to live safe place to raise young go back to the place they were born.
Hibernation This is deep sleep in which animal’s body temp droops, body activities are slowed to conserve energy. E.g. Bats, woodchucks & bears. Hibernation- is a deep sleep in which an animal's body temperature drops to about the temperature of the environment. Body activities, such as heartbeat and breathing are slowed causing the animal to need very little food. Animals that hibernate are bats woodchucks snakes bears. During the hibernation the animals live off of the fat that is stored in their body.
Hibernation Se trata de un sueño profundo en cae temperatura corporal que animal, las actividades del cuerpo son más lento para conservar energía. Por ejemplo, los murciélagos, marmotas y osos. Hibernation- is a deep sleep in which an animal's body temperature drops to about the temperature of the environment. Body activities, such as heartbeat and breathing are slowed causing the animal to need very little food. Animals that hibernate are bats woodchucks snakes bears. During the hibernation the animals live off of the fat that is stored in their body.