Get out pencil Islam HW: Five Pillars of Islam due Mon. 10/16 October10, 2017 Get out pencil Islam HW: Five Pillars of Islam due Mon. 10/16
Muslims worship multiple gods such as Allah, Mecca, and Muhammad TRUE OR FALSE? Muslims worship multiple gods such as Allah, Mecca, and Muhammad
FALSE The first pillar of Islam, Shahadah, states “there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger
Muslims worship the same god as Christians and Jews TRUE OR FALSE? Muslims worship the same god as Christians and Jews
TRUE Allah is Arabic for god. Jews, Muslims, and Christians are called “people of the book”
Muslims must pray 5 times every day TRUE OR FALSE? Muslims must pray 5 times every day
TRUE The second pillar of Islam, Salah, says that all Muslims must pray 5 times every day (before sunrise, midday, late afternoon, sunset, before bed) and face Mecca
Ramadan is the holiest celebration in Islam TRUE OR FALSE? Ramadan is the holiest celebration in Islam
TRUE Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar. It represents the month when the Qu’ran was revealed to Muhammad
TRUE OR FALSE? During Ramadan Muslims are not allowed to drink, eat, smoke, or engage in other sinful behavior during the daylight hours
TRUE The third pillar of Islam is sawm, or fasting during Ramadan. Additionally, Muslims are expected to be more spiritual and reflective during Ramadan
Muslims must give a portion of their salary to the poor TRUE OR FALSE? Muslims must give a portion of their salary to the poor
TRUE The fourth pillar of Islam is zakat, or almsgiving. Muslims are expected to help the poor
Muslims must try to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem at least once TRUE OR FALSE? Muslims must try to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem at least once
FALSE Muslims must make a pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia The fifth pillar of Islam is hajj.
Muslim women are forced to wear a hijab as a sign of submission TRUE OR FALSE? Muslim women are forced to wear a hijab as a sign of submission
FALSE Muslim women chose to wear a headscarf as a sign of their faith and modesty
Things Muslims and Hijab wearers are tired of hearing Gkxm6bKtsk UVWVBrPsTM Things Muslims and Hijab wearers are tired of hearing