David Stevens http://www.epals.com/projects/info.aspx?Di vID=index Water David Stevens http://www.epals.com/projects/info.aspx?Di vID=index
What are we going to learn about water? What are the properties of water in its three states? How does temperature change water? How do evaporation and condensation contribute to the water cycle in different regions throughout the planet? What is its impact on the earth?
What are our goals? We will use water journals and record how much water we use everyday. Students will reflect on water usage and explain how you will practice conservation with pen pals. Students will demonstrate and share the world’s water problems such as: the struggle for every human to have the necessary quality and quantity of drinking water, and the pollution and natural disasters on water supply.
What are the properties of water? Solid Liquid Vapor
You are going to connect with another student! Time to connect with another classroom and another student in another part of the world! Connect with a water pen pal from around the world! Mr. Stevens will give you another students name and email address. Awesome!
You will introduce yourselves via email. You will ask their ePals questions about themselves. Then you respond to your ePals’ comments and questions. Also ask your ePals questions and make comments about your ePals’ prior emails.
Things to write/talk about with your pen pal 1st Email :Why is water important to the earth, living things and human beings. 2nd email: Tell your pen pal what is happening with global warming and how the earth’s temperature is changing. How does this affect you? Here are some websites to get you thinking. http://www.epa.gov/ow/kids.html http://www.epa.gov/kids/