Attributes, Lives & Contributions The Ten Nanaks Attributes, Lives & Contributions
Guru Har Rai Sahib jee First 200/ Protection of Animals Story of Kurta stuck on thorn flower Excommunication Directive 22000 Horsemen
First 200/ Protection of Animals
First 200/ Protection of Animals Humans beings are not being treated as human beings Dara Shikon – looking beyond differences
Story of Kurta stuck on flower
Story of Kurta stuck on flower Flower breaks Sensitive Guru “Watch out how you walk” Work on yourself Sensitive people categorised
Excommunication Directive
Excommunication Directive Raam Rai (brother) – Modification of Gurbaani Rewarded with Dehra Doon No one has right to orally change Gurbaani Guru Arjan Sikhs said Gurbaani hard to understand – please do translation Kavi Santokh Singh says: Guru Sahib replied “Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. No one has power to limit Gurbaani.” Lesson: Relationships need to be kept checked
2200 Horsemen Ever readiness to fight for sovereignty Arms remind us of our sovereignty
Guru Har Rai Sahib jee = COMPASSION Summary Bhai Nand Lal Singh jee: Guru Har Rai Sahib jee = COMPASSION