August 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday No School


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Presentation transcript:

August 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday No School 21 No School 22 23 Personal Description Introductions Class Expectations HOMEWORK – Syllabus, Matrix Slips, Read Chapter 1 25 Reflective Writing – Is Government Necessary? Lecture – Origins of Government Debate Preparation – Purposes of Government HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 2 26 Debate – Purposes of Government Lecture – Influences on the Development of American Democracy 1

August / September 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 28 Page 11, #1-5 Lecture – Influential Documents for American Democracy 1.2 GRA HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 2 29 1.3 GRA Page 30, #1-4 2.1 GRA 30 Rights Attitude Inventory Lecture – Influential Political Philosophers HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 3 31 Current Events Presentations Page 47, #1-4 Reflective Writing – Protecting Rights 2.3 GRA 1 Lecture – Constitution 2

September 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday No School 4 No School 5 3.4 GRA Case Study – Wall Between Church and State HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 4 6 Late Start Day Bill of Rights Quiz Case Study – 2nd Amendment & Current Events 7 Current Events Presentations Case Study – Lessons From Charlottesville: Setting Expectations for Trust, Tolerance, and Civil Discourse 4.1 GRA 8 Lecture – National and States’ Powers Video – Law & Order SVU Reflective Writing - SVU 3

September 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9/11 Analysis Lecture – Developing Federalism Reflective Writing – Government Power 12 Unit 1 Test Page 130, #1-5 HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 5 13 Current Events Presentations Congress Chart Lecture – House of Representatives HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 6 14 Case Study – Shaw v Reno Legislative Branch Crossword Lecture – How a Bill Becomes a Law 7.1 GRA HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 7 15 6.1 GRA Lecture – Congressional Powers 4 4

September 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 18 Lecture – How a Bill Becomes a Law Political Cartoon Analysis – Congress Lecture – Congressional Committees 19 Test Review Unit 2 Test Page 219, #1-5 HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 8 20 Reflective Writing – Presidential Qualities Lecture – Roles of the Prez HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 9 21 No School 22 Current Events Presentations Lecture – All About the Prez Case Study – Electoral College 5 5 5

September 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 25 Political Cartoon Analysis – 2016 Electoral College Page 226, #1-5 Reflective Writing – Article II 26 Lecture – Presidential Leadership Dave 27 Current Events Presentations Lecture – Executive Agencies and Departments 28 Late Start Case Study – Hatch Act Lecture – Federal Bureaucracy 29 Test Review Unit 3 Test 11.1 Guided Reading Activity Page 317, #1-5 HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 11 6 6 6

October 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 12.1 GRA Lecture – Powers of the Federal Courts Page 326, #1-5 HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 12 3 Lecture – Supreme Court Case Study – Roe v Wade 4 Current Events Presentations Reflective Writing – Crime & Punishment Lecture – Crime & Punishment 5 Reflective Writing – Law & Justice Lecture – When You Turn 18 6 Unit 4 Test Page 457, #1-4 16.1 GRA HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 16

October 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9 Lecture – Political Parties Group Work – Third Parties HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 17 10 Reflective Writing – Political Parties Lecture – Nominating Process 17.1 GRA 11 Lecture – Voting Case Study – Mike Rowe on Voting Reflective Writing – Voter Turnout HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 18 12 Current Events Presentations 1965 Alabama Literacy Test Lecture – Public Opinion 13 Group Work – Public Opinion 18.3 GRA 18.4 GRA HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 19

October 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 16 Lecture – Mass Media 19.1 GRA Case Study – Saturday Night Live 2016 Campaign HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 19 17 Case Study – Fake News Lecture – Influence of the Mass Media Page 541, #1-5 18 Late Start Unit 5 Test HOMEWORK – Read Chapter 22 19 22.1 Guided Reading Activity Lecture – Foreign Policy 22.2 GRA 20 Current Events Presentations Group Work – Threat Assessment 22.3 GRA 22.4 GRA

October 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 27 Lecture – Humanitarian Intervention Photograph Analysis – Vulture Stalking a Child by Kevin Carter 28 Case Study – Military Tribunals Case Study – Racial Profiling 29 Guest Speaker – Kenny Golub 30 Case Study – American Foreign Policy With North Korea ???????? 31 Test Review Unit 6 Test