Benjamin Banneker Association Past and Present Benjamin Banneker Association Board Meeting September 8-10, 2017
The Need for Benjamin Banneker Association What is your experience with NCTM? Based upon that explanation, why do you think there was a need for the establishment of Benjamin Banneker Association?
Structure of Benjamin Banneker Association Board of Directors President President (elect/past) Treasurer Secretary Executive Director 6 Regional Representative Historian Constitution 6 Regional Representative United States, Canada, Caribbean Island Northeast Northcentral Southeast Southcentral Southwest West
Past BBA Presidents Presidents Year Dorothy S. Strong 1991-1993 Irvin E. Vance 1993-1995 Howard C. Johnson 1995-1997 Carol E. Malloy 1997-1999 Beatrice Moore-Harris 1999-2001 Jennie M. Bennett 2001-2003 Anthony A. Scott 2003-2005 Karen S. Norwood 2005-2007 Presidents Year Lou Mathews 2007-2009 Jacqueline Leonard 2009-2011 Cheryl Adeyemi 2011-2013 Vanessa Cleaver 2013-2015 Margaret Walker 2015-2017 Brea Ratliff 2017-
Support for Benjamin Banneker Association Sponsor Holt Reinhart & Winston (William Greer)—Johnnie Joplin (VP Urban Affairs) Holt Reinhart & Winston, Houghton Mifflin McGraw Hill, Texas Instruments, Houghton Mifflin, Evans Newton Group, American Choice Work supported: William Greer Scholarship—grades 6-12---BBA Breakfast Southcentral Regional Conference (24 sessions—2005) St Louis, MO Mathematics, Learning and Research of African American Students (52 sessions) Little Rock, AR
Support for Benjamin Banneker Association Sponsor Temple University (Jacqueline Leonard) Dr. Linda E. Young, Director of Equity and Diversity Education Program, Clark County School District Pearson Publishing, PEB Financial, Rep Deborah Graham 78th Legislative District Work supported: Independent Mini Conference outside of NCTM CCSD Annual BBA student Mathematic Achievement Award program at Texas State Hotel (2005) Students awards on West side of Chicago for students 6-12
Suggestions for Benjamin Banneker Association Banneker Club at each school What can BBA do for failing students? How best can BBA strategize to teach our children to learn mathematics and be successful Banneker develop a Speakers Bureau to fulfill requests for African American speakers on specific topics related to mathematics Information and direction for starting BBA student clubs and organization kit On the BBA website to: Market ourselves To increase membership To increase networking for information & resources
Suggestions for Benjamin Banneker Association A link from NCTM and NCSM to BBA website so more people can gain awareness. Create an organization structure for regional representative including clearly defined roles and responsibilities, planning for support of BBA goals and expectations and an official reporting process. A special effort should be made to have elementary school teachers participate in Benjamin Banneker Association and offer professional develop opportunities. The goal is to have elementary school teachers take leadership roles in educating African American and other under represented students.
Past President Vanessa Cleaver says. . . Hello Anthony, BBA is an organization that is very near and dear to my heart. One of the highlights of my tenure as president was the opportunity to talk with some of the founders about their vision for organization. I remember a long conversation I had with Ben Dudley (incidentally, I had gotten a message from Harriett Haynes stating that he was ill. I was expecting to have to do most of the talking - NOT! Lol...He was very glad I called). When I asked Ben Dudley what he wanted to see BBA do, he stated that he wanted students to know more about Benjamin Banneker. That led to the development of the Benjamin Banneker Week celebration during the week of November 9th. Designed to honor the life and accomplishments of Benjamin Banneker, this activity invites students and teachers to participate by creating lessons and projects centered around the life of Banneker. My second proudest moment as BBA president is the coordination of school visits during the annual meetings. It was important to me for BBA to be more visible and establish a presence as a national organization with the students we were committed to serve. During our first two years, we taught lessons as well as conducted focus group discussions. I was so happy to participate in the Boys and Girls Club activities last year in San Antonio. We still have a job to do. Black children are continuing to lag behind their white peers by as much as double-digits gaps. We can change that! We have to change it!! We owe it to black students, and we owe it to the founders! Best Wishes to Brea and the BBA Board!
Past President Bea Moore Harris Luchin says…… Bea spoke of the Interactive Labs that NCTM allowed BBA to utilize after the hours of the annual conference. Later through much discussion, NCTM added BBA’s speakers into the fold of the conference in the late eighties. BBA solicited funding from the mathematics book vendors to support its speakers during the conference. These companies sent at least $500 to $3600 to support the speaker. The funds went into BBA’s treasury.