Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
Elementary Social Studies Lesson ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Renae Rudy Social Studies – Behavioral Science 2nd Grade Modern Culture
Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Goals: Students will recognize their modern culture compared to other cultures around the world. With the help of pictures they will view the visual differences between the way they dress compared to the way another culture may dress. Objectives: Students will be able to list and talk about some of their favorite belongings and whether these items are unique to their culture Students will be able to look at pictures of people from around the world and note the similarities and differences between themselves and other cultures. Students will be able to draw pictures of themselves and their parents noting the way they dress, hairstyles, etc. Students will be able to discuss how their pictures represent their country's modern culture Students will be able to list some items that are important to us in our culture Students will be able to understand the differences in other cultures dress, food, and technology.
Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Rationale: This lesson is important because it is helping teach kids that not everyone does things exactly the same. It is important for students to realize that the differences found in other cultures is just as important to them as our cultures are to us. Standards: State – Illinois Common Core or Learning Standards STATE GOAL 18: Understand social systems, with an emphasis on the United States. A. Compare characteristics of culture as reflected in language, literature, the arts, traditions and institutions. 18.A.2 Explain ways in which language, stories, folk tales, music, media and artistic creations serve as expressions of culture. National – NCSS Themes Human beings create, learn, share, and adapt to culture. Through experience, observation, and reflection, students will identify elements of culture as well as similarities and differences among cultural groups across time and place. Cultures are dynamic and change over time.
Logical/Mathematical * 07/16/96 Logical/Mathematical *
Logical/Mathematical * 07/16/96 Logical/Mathematical Activity: According to the following graph there is a huge variety of ethnic and cultural diversities in the world. Students need to become aware that there are many more diversities than their own. After students are done learning about the ethnic and cultural diversities they will break into groups of 3-4 to discuss what they have learned. During their discussions students should talk about their own ethnic and cultural diversity. Resources/materials needed: http://www.mercycareplan.com/common/downloads/Ethnic_Cultural_Diversity_Graph_MCRP_20091101.pdf *
* 07/16/96 Verbal/Linguistic *
Verbal/Linguistic Activity: Resources/materials needed: * 07/16/96 Verbal/Linguistic Activity: Students will be assigned different countries to research. They will be doing research on special outfits that may be worn by the people in that country. Students will be creating a poster that they will use in their presentation. Students will include a picture of themselves and their family in an outfit that they may wear on a normal day or an outfit they may wear on a special occasion. They will also include a picture of a special outfit worn by the country they researched. The poster may contain some brief paragraphs, but not their whole presentation. Resources/materials needed: http://www.topics-mag.com/internatl/traditional-clothing.htm *
* 07/16/96 Musical/Rhythmic *
Musical/Rhythmic Activity: Resources/materials needed: * 07/16/96 Musical/Rhythmic Activity: Students will be learning about special music and dancing that is used around the world. Each student will be giving a presentation on one of the dances. They will need to answer the following questions in their presentation: What do people typically wear in this dance? What does the dance look like (elegant, fierce, fast, slow, etc.)? What kind of music is used in this type of dance? Is there a certain holiday when people participate in this dance? Resources/materials needed: http://www.topics-mag.com/internatl/dance/international.htm *
* 07/16/96 Visual/Spatial *
Visual/Spatial Activity: Resources/materials needed: * 07/16/96 Visual/Spatial Activity: Students will need to bring to school several of their favorite toys. In their journals students should write a small paragraph about the toys they brought to school and why those toys are their favorite. Students will then be doing research on children’s toys from around the world. After they are done researching students will write a second paragraph on what they think about other cultures toys. Resources/materials needed: http://www.topics-mag.com/internatl/toys/page.htm Journal Pencil *
* 07/16/96 Body/Kinesthetic *
Body/Kinesthetic Activity: Resources/materials needed: * 07/16/96 Body/Kinesthetic Activity: Students will be learning about food from around the world. They will begin the lesson by using the following website to research traditional food markets, global foods, favorite food stories, outdoor cafes and restaurants, class cooking projects, and more. After the students have completed their research on cultural foods they will be making their own tortillas. Resources/materials needed: Ingredients for tortillas (http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/homemade-flour-tortillas/detail.aspx) http://www.topics-mag.com/foods/world-of-food.htm *
* 07/16/96 Interpersonal *
Interpersonal Activity: Resources/materials needed: * 07/16/96 Interpersonal Activity: Students will be researching people from around the world to note the differences and the similarities. Students will bring to class a picture of themselves and their family. Students will be given a picture of a traditional family from another country. In their journals students should list the similarities and differences that they find in the pictures. Students can use more than one picture, after they have completed their picture they can trade with someone else in the room. Resources/materials needed: http://www.mojoeducation.com/imagelib/sitebuilder/misc/show_image.html?linkedwidth=actual&linkpath=http://mojoed.powweb.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/Traditional-Clothing-Puzzle.gif&target=tlx_picesyb Family picture *
* 07/16/96 Intrapersonal *
Intrapersonal Activity: Resources/materials needed: * 07/16/96 Intrapersonal Activity: Students will be writing a before and after paper on houses around the globe. Students will begin by writing a paragraph about all the different houses they know about. The houses can be different modern houses or houses people live in around the world. Students should be very specific in their paper about where and when the house came from (modern, global, etc.). After students are done writing they will be researching different houses from around the world. After they are done researching they should write another paragraph or two about the new houses they have learned about. They should include in their paper a brief paragraph on whether or not they would like to live in any of the houses they learned about. Resources/materials needed: http://www.mojoeducation.com/imagelib/sitebuilder/misc/show_image.html?linkedwidth=actual&linkpath=http://mojoed.powweb.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/Puzzles/houseswebsite.jpg&target=tlx_picezdv *
* 07/16/96 Naturalistic *
Naturalistic Activity: Resources/materials needed: * 07/16/96 Naturalistic Activity: Students will be learning about farms from around the world. Using the following website students will begin by researching two or three different farms of their choice. Students will then be creating a poster that includes pictures, facts, and brief sentences explaining the pictures and how that countries farm may differ from a farm found in the United States. The students posters will be hung in the hallway for other students to see. Resources/materials needed: http://open2.net/everwonderedfood/origins.html Posters Markers Construction paper Pencils *
Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Visual Learning and Assessment: Visual Learning, Assessment, and Online Resources: I will be assessing students by the assignments they turn in. I will walk around the classroom and observe the students while they are writing in their journals and during group discussions. I will also be assessing students by asking questions and reading some of their journal entries. Online Resources: http://www.delicious.com/rrudy/Behavioral