Chicken Composition of Chicken Water 75% Protein 20% Fat 5%
Receiving Chicken Feel- if slimy do not accept Smell- reject strong odors Temperature- has to be under 40
Conformation Size, Shape, Yield Finish- check for proper amount of skin Quality conditions No blood clots No bruises No broken bones No pin feathers, or missing parts
Federal Grades A-B-C-Utility Shape of carcass Amount of fat and flesh Pin feathers, tears, bruises Not stamped on like beef, printed on tags
Free Range Chickens are raised with freedom to move around and eat outdoors Some feel the quality is worth the extra cost No legal definition of “Free Range”
5 Classes of Chicken Cornish Hen 1 lb 6 weeks Youngest Dry cooked
5 Classes of Chicken Fryer 2 ¼ to 2 ½ lbs 8 weeks old Dry cooking Frying
5 Classes of Chicken Broiler 3 ½ lbs 8-10 weeks old Dry cooking
5 Classes of Chicken Roaster 3 ½ to 4 lbs 3 to 8 months Capon is a roaster $$$ Expensive More white meat, higher yield
5 Classes of Chicken Stewer 4-6 lbs Older than 10 months Moist cook Rooster (male) Hen or Fowl (female)
Packaging Ice pack Advantages Disadvantages Easy to open Easy to check quality Disadvantages Messy Hard to check weight
MAP Advantages Disadvantages Easy to weigh Less space Dry Can not check quality Smell, touch
IQF Individual Quick Frozen Advantages Disadvantages Inventory $$$ Frozen quality
Light –vs- Dark Light meat (breast and wings) Dark meat (legs) Less fat Less connective tissue Cooks faster Dark meat (legs) More fat More connective tissue Longer to cook
FIRST COMES THE EGG Everything starts with a broiler hatching egg. Meat chickens are specially bred to be meaty birds and they're quite different from the chickens who lay the eggs we buy at the store.
Laying the Eggs Broiler breeding hens lay fertilized eggs (about 150-155 in a year) at breeder farms. Within 6-12 hours of hatching, the chicks are put into heated trucks and taken to the chicken farms.
Barns Meat chickens are raised in large, specially designed barns. These barns are heated and ventilated to provide the proper temperature, humidity and air circulation.
Free Range They roam freely around the entire barn floor which is covered with soft, dry straw.
Sanitation After each flock, the barn and equipment are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
Feeding Chickens Chicken feed is specially made to meet all of the nutritional needs of a chicken. The main ingredient in chicken food is grain, usually a blend of wheat, corn and barley, so all chickens are "grain fed".
Drugs? No hormones are used in the raising of chickens.
Check-up Most chickens are ready to be marketed when they are 37 to 39 days old and weigh just under 3 lbs. They are shipped to the processing companies in trucks designed for carrying poultry. At the processing company, every chicken is checked by an inspector.
Useless Knowledge How fast can a chicken run? 9 miles per hour
Useless Knowledge What is the record for laying the most eggs 7 in one day
Useless Knowledge There are approximately ________ chickens in the United States. 450 million
Useless Knowledge The term 'Chicken Pox' didn't come from people believing that they came from chickens, it came from the Old English term 'gican pox' - which means the itching pox.
Useless knowledge The longest recorded flight of a chicken is how long? 13 seconds, 301 1/2 feet