Primary Source Summary Project MUH 3633 - Music in the United States 7/3/2018 Primary Source Summary Project Instructions Now Posted on course website Form Groups of FOUR (4) – no exceptions Must be in groups by 2 Oct 17 Paper due on Monday, 9 Oct 17 @ 5:00 pm DAY 11 (25 Sep 17)
MUH 3633 - Music in the United States 7/3/2018 Chapter Five “A Language of Feeling” : Cultivating Musical Tastes in Antebellum America DAY 11 (25 Sep 17)
Music for the Masses vs. ?? “Classical” / “Art” / “Cultivated” Music Elitist vs. Egalitarian Who makes/uses/listens each and why? Reflected in markets for music - publishing (for home or other use) - teaching - performing (professionals & pro. ensembles) - promotion
b. 1756, Portsmouth, England d. 1809, Baltimore Alexander Reinagle English Immigrant Musician New York (1786) to Philadelphia Composer, publisher, performer, teacher, promoter, salesman, etc. 1st U.S. sheet music (Levy Sheet Music Collection) Music Director – Chestnut St. Theatre Stage Works & Concert Pieces Sonata No. 1, 1st mvt (1794) (p. 108) - classical form & style “America, Commerce, and Freedom” (see next slide) b. 1756, Portsmouth, England d. 1809, Baltimore
from… The Sailor’s Landlady (1794?) America, Commerce and Freedom (Chamber Ensemble)
Categories & Audiences Notation (either….) - prescriptive (strict) = “classical” / composer - descriptive (open) = “popular” / performer Three Spheres (textbook) - “classical” / “art” – transcendent experience - “popular” – accessible to broadest audience - “traditional” / “folk” – connection to community/ancestors/origins
Opera in U.S. Earliest Opera in U.S. (pre-1825) in English (or English translation) 1825 – Maria Garcia [Malibran] in US - Rossini, Il Barbiere di Siviglia (in Italian) Opera popular in all forms - staged in original language - in Burlesques (plots made comic) - in sheet music Opera singers as superstars
Maria Garcia and sheet music from Rossini’s Otello MUH 3633 - Music in the United States 7/3/2018 Maria Garcia and sheet music from Rossini’s Otello DAY 11 (25 Sep 17)
Opera in New Orleans (& elsewhere) Opera before 1800! French traditions (Creole) Théâtre d’Orléans Numerous American premieres of European works Toured Northeast U.S. ***** San Francisco opera 1856 – Maguire’s Opera House 1860 – Maguire-Lyster Co.
Jenny Lind (& PT Barnum) U.S. tour – 1850-52 widely promoted by Barnum $500,000 - profit “The Swedish Nightingale” (1820-1887) $ 350,000 in fees
Bands in the US (pre-Civil War) (Still) Based in military music Harmoniemusik w/ additions…. Keyed brass, e.g., ophecleide Valves – c. 1840, e.g., cornet Saxhorns (invented by Adolphe Sax, 1840s) Brass bands Add Percussion – Janissary Instruments
Ex. Ophicleide demonstration Ophecleide & Saxhorns Ex.The Ophicleide Ex. Ophicleide demonstration Ex. Baritone Saxhorn Ex. Alto Saxhorn
MUH 3633 - Music in the United States 7/3/2018 Exs. Band Music from the Civil War Era (LoC) & Dodworth Saxhorn Band Civil War Bands Ex. Helene Schottisch (LG p. 117) DAY 11 (25 Sep 17)