Legalizing Same Sex Marriages Presented By: N'kari Harris
Interest I became interested in this topic when I first found out that my eldest sister was gay. She was discriminated against, and I didn't understand the cruelty of people I then took a silent oath, to see everyone treated equally.
Paper Topic: Legalizing same-sex Marriages Driving Question: Why should same sex marriages be allowed under the U.S constitution? Thesis: Same sex marriages being allowed under the constitution will stop the discrimination towards homosexuals, it will give them the same rights as a traditional married couple, and it will allow them to accept themselves as a homosexual couple in society
Facts Approximately nine states(as of now) and Washington D.C, as well as some Indian tribes allow same sex marriages Some families come into some churches seeking acceptance, but are turned away due to their sexual orientation Heterosexual married couples have: tax benefits, employee benefits, government benefits, family benefits, consumer benefits and so much more all because it is entitled to them under the first amendment..
Summary In the Declaration of Independence we learn that all men are created equally Same sex married couples are not treated equally Same sex married couples aren't given all of the rights and benefits that are given to a heterosexual couple.
My Product I decided to create a blog, and leave it open to the public to state their opinions. When I started, I discussed with Mr. Smith, and he said it would be a good idea My product impacts others by: Allowing them to state their opinions on the subject Allowing them to be more open minded about the subject
My Product & Mentor My mentor was a co-worker of mine. She monitored my progress but did not really contribute to my blog or paper Upon completing this product, I learned that: Not everyone is going to be accepted in life Despite our rights, there will never truly be a sense of equality
Paper and Product The blog gives people an opportunity to voice their opinions on same sex marriage, and allow them to read what others post.
Successes Creating the Blog was a success Having people view it and post on it was also a success.
Challenges Procrastination Actually creating the blog Getting my paper proficient
Final Process Reflection This product will impact my future, by helping me better myself by not being judgmental and be able to accept everyone as they are. From this project I will be able to: Be more open minded Accept more same sex married couples Have more knowledge about same sex marriage
Works Cited "Which States Allow Gay Marriage?" Care2. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013.
Copyright Education Exempt from Copyright: This presentation has been prepared under the fair use exemption of the US Copyright Law and is restricted from further use.
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