AND LET THEM BE FOR SIGNS… Gen 1:14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, Mat 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. SUN, MOON & STARS ARE FOR SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS FROM YHVH TO US!!! Luke 21:25-26 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and moon, and stars, and on the earth anxiety of nations, in bewilderment at the roaring of the sea, and waves, (26) men fainting from fear and the expectation of what is coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. Heb 12:26-27 …whose voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.” (27) And this, “yet once more,” makes clear the removal of what is shaken – as having been made – so that the unshaken matters might remain.
FACT ABOUT A SOLAR ECLIPSE A solar (sun) eclipse can only happen on a “new moon” ALL Feasts of the LORD are marked by “New Moons.” The New Moon on Nissan 1 (1st Month) marks Pesach, Feast of Unleavened Bread & First Fruits. (Lev. 23:4) New Moon on Tishri 1 (7th Month) marks Feast of Trumpet, Yom Kippur & Sukkot. (Lev. 23)
PERIGEE: when the moon is closer to the earth and passes between the Sun and the Earth it is a full solar eclipse
APOGEE: position of the moon can be a full or partial eclipse of the sun.
SOLAR & LUNAR ECLIPSE FACT The “nations” base their calendar on the sun. Therefore, a solar eclipse is a “SIGN to the nations.” Jewish calendar is based according to the cycle of the moon. Therefore, when a lunar eclipse occurs, it is a “SIGN for ISRAEL.”
When a solar or lunar eclipse occurs on a Feasts of the Lord, it is a sign to “the nations” or to “Israel” from the LORD!
HISTORICAL FACTS ABOUT SOLAR ECLIPSE & PENDING JUDGMENT WWI lasted about 4 years, from Aug. 1, 1914 – Nov. 11, 1918. Aug. 21, 1914, a total solar eclipse (sign to the nations) crossed over Eastern Europe & the Ottoman Empire. Elul 1 was Aug. 21, 1914
HISTORICAL FACTS ABOUT SOLAR ECLIPSE Almost 100 years later we will experience a total solar eclipse over the U.S. Aug. 21, 2017, the eclipse will be visible only in the U.S. – first time since we became a nation. In 7 years the U.S. will experience another unusual total solar eclipse. It will move across our nation crossing paths of the upcoming eclipse, marking an “X” or sign over the central part of the US. April 6, 1917, the U.S. got involved in WWI. It was Passover, 1917. June 6, 1918, the U.S. experienced their first major war casualties of WWI – 5000 men perished. Two days later - June 8, 1918, there was a total solar eclipse in the U.S. (sign to the nations)
In 7 years
FACTS ABOUT THE SUN, MOON & EARTH The sun and the moon appear the same size in earths sky because the sun’s diameter is about 400 X greater. But the sun is also about 400X farther away from the earth. When the moon is closest to the earth it is approximately 400,000 kilometers. (
ELUL – Ani Le’Dodi, V’Dodi Lei I AM MY BELOVED’S AND HE IS MINE Parable: Before a king enters his city, its inhabitants go out to greet him and receive him in the field. At that time, anyone who so desires is granted permission to approach the King. He receives them all pleasantly, and shows a smiling countenance upon them. By the 40th day, Yom Kippur, the King is in his Royal Palace. ( Season of Repentance – The King is in the Field
BIBLICAL FACTS ABOUT ELUL 1 Noah entered the Ark on Elul 1. Forty days later on Yom Kippur, the rain subsided. Gen 7:4 On Elul 1, Moses ascended the mountain a second time to receive the 10 commandments and returned 40 days later – Yom Kippur. Ex. 34.28 On Elul 1, the 12 Spies entered the land. 40 days later on Yom Kippur, 10 spies returned with a bad report and 2 spies returned saying, we can take the giants! Numbers 13:25 Elul 1, Philistines provoked Israel forty days. On Yom Kippur, David killed Goliath. 1 Samuel 17
BIBLICAL FACTS ABOUT ELUL 1 On Elul 1, Ezekiel is told to lie on his side 40 days for the punishment of Judah not allowing the land to lay fallow during the 7th year. Ezekiel 4 Jonah arrived in Nineveh on Elul 1 and preached repentance. 40 days later on Yom Kippur, Nineveh repented and was spared. Nineveh is modern day Mosul, Iraq. (Jonah 1-4) Elul 1, John the Baptist preached repentance, Yeshua took his Mikveh, then entered into 40 days of fasting. On Yom Kippur, Satan tempted Yeshua. John 1:26
40 days later on September 30, 2017 is Yom Kippur Judgment of the nations ELUL 1 is AUGUST 21, 2017
ALL THE FACTS Sun’s diameter is 400 X greater than the moon Sun is 400X farther from the earth Moon is 400,000 kilometers from the earth 40 days between Elul 1 and Yom Kippur Noah, Moses, Spies, Jonah, Ezekiel, Israel, David, Goliath, John the Baptist, Yeshua & Satan all experienced a 40 day season of Elul to Yom Kippur. (repentance / judgment) U.S. will experience a total solar eclipse on Elul 1, August 21, 2017, and in seven years experience another total solar eclipse marking an “X” or sign on the U.S.
In 7 years
TAV numerical value is 400 and represents a “SIGN” X - HEBREW LETTER TAV